240605-N-HC520-1001 NORFOLK (June 5, 2024) Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command Mid-Atlantic (NAVFAC MIDLANT) conducted a graduation ceremony for 14 apprentices from public works departments (PWDs) across the command’s area of operations, who successfully completed four years of training in the command’s apprenticeship program. (Back Row: L-R) Nicundro Patterson, HVAC mechanic, PWD Norfolk; Donovan Redd, electrician, PWD Norfolk; Antonio Rodriguez, HVAC mechanic, PWD Norfolk; Parker Lee, HVAC mechanic, PWD NSA Hampton Roads; Paul Smith II, HVAC mechanic, PWD Norfolk; Kenley Light, HVAC mechanic (Cum Laude), D’Angelo Evans, pipefitter (Summa Cum Laude), PWD Portsmouth; Michael Crudup, HVAC mechanic, PWD Portsmouth; and Nicholas Martinez, electrician, PWD Little Creek-Fort Story. (Front Row: L-R) Rear Adm. Dean VanderLey, commander, NAVFAC and chief of Civil Engineers; Katelyn Grimes, high voltage electrician (Cum Laude); Che’ Lipscomb, coordinator, NAVFAC MIDLANT Apprenticeship Program, who served as the master of ceremonies for the graduation; Vincent Orazi IV, electrician (Summa Cum Laude), PWD Oceana; Katelyn Grimes, high voltage electrician (Cum Laude), PWD Norfolk; Capt. Matt Riethmiller, commanding officer, NAVFAC MIDLANT; and Arnold Agustin, acting public works director. (Bottom attended virtually, L-R) Michael Desio, electrician, PWD Pennsylvania; Ryan Hodges, plumber, PWD Pennsylvania; and Monica Teves, electrician, PWD Newport. (U.S. Navy photo illustration by Jeffrey C. Doepp/Released)