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Leadership programs

NAVFAC employees are strongly encouraged to participate in leadership programs as part of their career development. If you are interested in participating in a leadership program during the upcoming fiscal year, you will need to submit an application during NAVFAC’s annual call for nominations. Please carefully review the following information for more details.

Minimum requirements

All leadership programs applicants are required to:
  • Meet the minimum eligibility requirements found here.

  • Complete a Leadership Individual Development Plan (IDP). A template can be found here.

  • For programs that require a resume, applicants at a minimum must address all items in the Resume Template located here.

  • The factors the Selection Boards consider when reviewing leadership program applications are provided here.

Note: Acquisition Workforce members must be compliant in career certification and continuous learning training requirements (see minimum eligibility requirements here).

important dates

Dates for FY25 leadership program applications:
  • 29 March – 31 May 2024: Open application period.

  • Week of April 15, 2024: Brown Bag Session.

  • 31 May 2024: Completed application packages are due to your Command’s BD17.

  • Winter 2024 (December): Applicants are notified of acceptance decision.

If you have any questions regarding leadership programs, please contact Erin French (NFI).

annual leadership programs: informational videos

The following videos provide information briefs on leadership programs offered at NAVFAC. These include important details on applying for upcoming leadership programs as well as testimonials from current and previous program participants.

The following presentation video provides information on the FY25 Leadership Programs offered at NAVFAC. The brief includes eligibility requirements, and important details on applying for the upcoming programs.

The following presentation video provides information on the FY24 Leadership Programs offered at NAVFAC. The brief includes eligibility requirements, and important details on applying for the upcoming programs.

Are you ready to learn more about the Leadership Programs included in the FY23 Leadership Programs announcement? We are excited to share that NFI is hosting an East Coast and a West Coast FY23 Leadership Program information brief! NFI has coordinated with both current and former participants to share their experiences with these programs.

West Coast

Open Through YouTube (URL:;
Download File Directly (recommended for anyone who is unable to disconnect from NMCI or ONE-Net)

East Coast

Open Through YouTube (URL:;
Download File Directly (recommended for anyone who is unable to disconnect from NMCI or ONE-Net)

The following video provides information on previous FY22 Leadership Development Programs. Options for accessing this video include:

West Coast

Download File Directly (recommended for anyone who is unable to disconnect from NCMI or ONE-Net)

East Coast

Open Through YouTube (provides best viewing experience; URL:
Download File Directly (recommended for anyone who is unable to disconnect from NMCI or ONE-Net)

Leadership program overview

To get started, use table below to find leadership programs that are suitable for you. Detailed information for each program can be found in the following sections.

  Program Grade / Rank / or Equivalent
NAVFAC Programs Executive Coaching Program Supervisors GS-13 through GS-15
Leadership Development Program (LDP) - Level 3 GS-14 or GS-15
Leadership Development Program (LDP) - Level 2 Supervisors GS-12 or GS-13
Leadership Development Program (LDP) - Level 1 Non-supervisors GS-12 or GS-13
Aspiring Leadership Development Program (ALDP) GS-7 through GS-12
DOD / DON Programs Navy Senior Leader Seminar (NSLS) GS-15; Military O-6 designated positions
Bridging the Gap (BTG) GS-14 or GS-15
Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA) Director's Development Program in Leadership (DDPL) GS-13 through GS-15
Executive Leadership Development Program (ELDP) GS-12 through GS-14; Military O-3 or O-4
Office of Personnel Management (OPM) Federal Internal Coach Training Program (FICTP) GS-12 and above; Military 0-3 and above
Defense Civilian Emerging Leader Program (DCELP) GS-7 through GS-12
Full-Time Programs Defense Senior Leader Development Program (DSLDP) GS-14 or GS-15
Dwight D. Eisenhower School (ES) GS-14 or GS-15
President's Management Council Interagency Rotation Program (PMC IRP) GS-13 through GS-15
DoD / Don Sponsored Programs For the Acquisition Workforce (AWF) UNC Chapel Hill Understanding the Government-Industry Relationship Course GS-15, SES, and Military O-6, Flag, or equivalent
Secretary of Defense Executive Fellowship Program (SECDEF) Military O-5 or O-6
Navy Insight Into Industry Management Course (3IMC) GS-13 through GS-15; Military O-4 through O-6
DoD Public Private Talent Exchange (PPTE) GS-13 through GS-15
Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Research, Development, and Acquisition) SIGMA Rotation Program Acquisition Workforce Members GS-13 or GS-14; Military O-4 or O-5
DON "National Lead" Acquisition Rotation GS-12 or GS-13
Cyber Information Technology Exchange Program (CITEP) AWF civilians in cyber operations or information technology (IT)
Program Managers Workshop AWF Program Managers and senior acquisition personnel
Acquisition Workforce
Tuition Assistance Program (AWTAP)
All AWF members
Other Developmental Programs White House Leadership Development Program (WHLDP) GS-15
Institute for Defense Business Logistics and Technology Education (IDB LOGTECH) Program GS-13 to GS-15; Military E-9, CWO-4, CWO-5, O-4 to O-6; civilians in the logistics career fields
Office of the Secretary of Defense Sustainment Fellowship Program (OSD FSP) GS-13 or GS-14, Military O-4 or O-5
Department of the Navy, Office of Small Business Programs Rotational Excellence Program GS-12 and above

NAVFAC programs

Executive Coaching - Application Requirements | Executive Coaching - Agreement Statement
Description Quotas and Who Should Apply   Grade   

The NAVFAC Executive Coaching program provides NAVFAC employees with an opportunity to receive personalized guidance and feedback on maximizing their career potential. Executive Coaching is an inquiry-based approach to personal and professional development that creates awareness, facilitates learning, and provides actionable challenges for the participant. The coaching experience focuses on improving performance by helping participants develop and sustain new perspectives, attitudes, skills, and behaviors. 

This is a NAVFAC program intended for GS-13 supervisors or GS-14 – GS-15 employees (or equivalent) in leadership positions that want to develop their professional skills through personalized guidance and feedback. Current or aspiring leaders that have not received professional coaching within the last 3 years without a significant increase in scope or complexity of responsibility are encouraged to apply. Applicants must have an endorsement from a designated senior leader to participate in this program.

 GS-13 supervisors

 GS-14 or GS-15s (or equivalent) in leadership positions

Description Quotas and Who Should Apply    Grade   

This two year NAVFAC program ensures a pool of qualified candidates exists for future leadership positions within NAVFAC and provides deliberate development through progressive learning opportunities and a structured training plan of rotational assignments, training, and developmental activities. Focus on gaining corporate wide experience and networks

This is a NAVFAC program designed for GS-14 and GS-15s. The expectation is for candidates to have substantial leadership experience, as a supervisor or program manager. Candidates are expected to have completed formal leadership training and/or education and demonstrate the desire to advance their career to top leadership positions within NAVFAC. The program seeks candidates that would benefit from the gaining exposure outside of their career field/BL/SL and external to NAVFAC. Graduates of the LDP program are highly encouraged to apply.

The LDP is a NAVFAC program and Level 2 and Level 3 applicants compete at the local Command level and nominees then compete with nominees from other NAVFAC Commands for quotas. NAVFAC has recently expanded the LDP cadre size and may accept as many as 15 Level 2 and Level 3 cadre members.

GS-14 or GS-15

Description Quotas and Who Should Apply     Grade    

This two year NAVFAC program ensures a pool of qualified candidates exists for future leadership positions within NAVFAC and provides deliberate development through progressive learning opportunities and a structured training plan of rotational assignments, training, and developmental activities. Focus on gaining corporate wide experience and networks.

This is a NAVFAC program designed for supervisory GS-12 and GS-13s. The expectation is for candidate to have leadership/supervisory experience, as well as some leadership training and/or education; the program seeks candidates that would benefit from the gaining a broad exposure to NAVFAC through the rotational assignments to NAVFAC Headquarters and Echelon III and IV Commands and the other required developmental activities.

GS-12 or GS-13 Supervisor

LDP - Self Nomination Form Level 1 | LDP - Supervisor & Senior Management Endorsement Form | LDP - Application Requirements 
Description Quotas and Who Should Apply   Grade   

This one year NAVFAC program build upon leadership competencies in the NAVFAC Workforce Development Continuum. The program focuses on developing knowledge of NAVFAC business operations and supervisor skills through rotational assignments, training, and other developmental activities.

This is a NAVFAC program designed for non-supervisory GS-12 and GS-13s.The ideal candidate for this program has completed a formal entry-level leadership development program, such as locally sponsored Aspiring Leader Development Program or Emerging Leader Program, or the Defense Civilian Leader Development Program (DCELP), NEI courses, other leadership development  training, programs, and/or experience that is considered preparatory for the LDP Level 1 program.

This is a NAVFAC program and applicants compete at the local Command level for allocations. NAVFAC has recently expanded the LDP Level 1 cadre size and has flexibility with the number of quotas per year.

GS-12 or GS-13 Non-Supervisor

ALDP - Instruction | ALDP - Application | ALDP - Application Requirements
Description Quotas and Who Should Apply    Grade    

Consistent with the NAVFAC Strategic Plan, "Strengthen our SYSCOM Team," the ALDP is a corporate-wide initiative to provide developmental training for current and future leaders. Employees selected for the ALDP will participate in a six-month structured cohort program consisting of 3 weeks of formal training and other developmental activities. Please visit our ALDP page for more information.

This NAVFAC program is designed for GS-07 through GS-12 employees and equivalent. Participants will gain the knowledge, skills, ability and confidence to determine if they are interested in pursuing a leadership role at NAVFAC. The ALDP provides a baseline for competitive entry into subsequent leadership programs, such as the NAVFAC Leadership Development Program (LDP).

Applicants for the NAVFAC ALDP will compete at the local Command level and then compete with nominees from other NAVFAC Commands for quotas. Cohorts and dates for courses will be established at the beginning of the upcoming fiscal year.

GS-7 through GS-12

DoD / DON Programs

Description Quotas and Who Should Apply Grade

The NSLS introduces senior military officers and civilians to the latest “best practices” in strategic planning, goal setting, strategic communication, risk management, innovation, and resource issues shaping the Navy’s strategy today and the business processes to achieve that strategy.

This seminar is intended for senior leaders at NAVFAC HQ and local Commands, such as the Business Directors, Commanding Officers, Executive Officers and leaders of business and support lines. Participants represent NAVFAC to other Navy organizations and should have a complete understanding of the Navy organizational structure and operations.

NAVFAC selectees are placed on a "waitlist" managed by the Naval Postgraduate School and are enrolled on a space available basis. There are seven seminars per year.

O-6 and GS-15 Designated positions

Description Quotas and Who Should Apply     Grade    

BTG is focused on the development of senior civilian leaders in preparation of becoming a member of the Executive Corps (SES). This rigorous one-year program is centered on OPM Executive Core Qualification (ECQs), where students demonstrate competencies in leading change, leading people, business acumen, building coalitions and being result driven.

The purpose of this seminar is to prepare participants for SES positions. The program will help participants assess their developmental needs against the Executive Core Competencies and is intended to develop a quality pool of candidates for future SES positions. Those who apply should be experienced leaders who aspire to SES and have prepared themselves for executive level responsibility through formal and informal leadership development activities.

NAVFAC nominees compete for selection at the Navy-level; there are usually 1 to 3 NAVFAC nominees selected each year.

GS-14 or GS-15

DDPL - Overview | DDPL - Overview (Powerpoint) | DDPL - Application Package | DOD DON Leadership Programs Applicant Information Form
Description Quotas and Who Should Apply    Grade    

The DDPL program is a competency-based strategic leadership development program designed to develop senior-level civilians with the knowledge, skills, and abilities for effective managerial and executive-level leadership performance.

The purpose of the DCAA DDPL program is to provide senior-level employees with leadership knowledge, skills, and abilities for effective managerial and executive-level performance. Seven-educational institutions and selected senior service colleges have been identified to provide the competency-based leadership curriculum.

NAVFAC has been allocated approximately five quotas each fiscal year for the DDPL.

GS-13 through GS-15

ELDP - Overview | ELDP - Fact Sheet | ELDP - Training Schedule | ELDP - Application RequirementsELDP - Application Package | ELDP - Bayonet Assault Course | ELDP - Copeland Assault Course | DOD DON Leadership Programs Applicant Information Form
Description Quotas and Who Should Apply    Grade    

ELDP provides deliberate experiential leadership development opportunities by providing participants with an extensive and immersive exposure to the roles and missions of the DoD warfighter.

This program is focused on developing leaders who have an understanding and appreciation of the global mission of DoD and the complexities and challenges faced by them. The program description contains specific information describing ideal candidates for ELDP, including those that have demonstrated strong potential for higher level leadership positions, and those that have  completed component-sponsored leadership programs and other developmental activities.

This is a DoD program and Navy is allocated ~10 quotas per year. NAVFAC nominees compete for selection at the Navy level. NAVFAC had 1 to 3 nominees selected in previous years.

GS-12 through GS-14; O-3 or O-4

FICTP - ApplicationFICTP - FAQs | FICTP - Fact Sheet | FICTP - Application Requirements  | DOD DON Leadership Programs Applicant Information Form
Description Quotas and Who Should Apply    Grade     

The Federal Internal Coach Training Program is a rigorous 8-month program that will prepare participants to educate, promote, and foster a coaching culture within the Federal Government by encouraging candid and respectful conversations between managers and employees, encouraging self-reflection and promoting creativity in problem solving and performance improvement.  The goal of the program is to cultivate an environment of continuous learning and individual and organizational performance excellence by promoting positive leadership practices. Through this program, students will acquire a thorough understanding of the philosophical, historical, and ethical foundations of professional coaching and how they are applied within the Federal context.

The Federal Internal Coach Training Program fosters a coaching culture within Government by empowering leaders at all levels to practice self-reflection, creativity in problem solving, accountability, and candid and respectful communication. Students will explore the similarities and differences between coaching and related helping disciplines (e.g., mentoring, counseling) and the consideration of the scope of coaching's potential. In addition, they will learn and practice coaching skills in real-time conversations and observe and experience the effect of these skills.  Additional models, practices, actions, and techniques that you can use in the areas of human and organization development will also be discussed.
This program is extremely competitive.  DON generally receives only 1 quota per year.

GS-12 and above; Military 0-3 and above

DCELP - Overview | DCELP - Application Requirements | DOD DON Leadership Programs Applicant Information Form
Description Quotas and Who Should Apply    Grade    

The DCELP provides training to the next generation of the DoD leaders for the civilian workforce. The program establishes a baseline for further growth and development for the participant as leadership responsibilities increase.

This program is intended to prepare entry and journey-level employees for  leadership roles and positions. Participants who have mastered the technical competencies required for their current position and aspire to lead people and programs should apply for this program.

This is a DoD program and Navy is allocated ~60 quotas per year. NAVFAC nominees compete for selection at the Navy level. There are usually 1 to 4 NAVFAC nominees selected each year.

GS-7 through GS-12

full-time programs

Description Quotas and Who Should Apply   Grade    

The DSLDP is the Department of Defense (DoD) premier program to develop senior civilian leaders to excel in the 21st century joint, interagency, and multi-national environment. This challenging and rewarding program supports the government-wide effort to foster interagency cooperation and information sharing by providing opportunities to understand and experience, first-hand, the issues and challenges facing leaders across the DoD and the broader national security arena.

This program is designed to prepare participants for SES positions. Applicants should be high performing senior leaders with a variety of education, leadership training, and experiences that make them competitive for senior executive positions. Applicants should also possess the potential, aspiration, and motivation to serve as senior executives.

This is a DoD program and Navy is allocated 13 quotas per year. NAVFAC nominees compete for selection at the Navy level. NAVFAC has not previously participated in this program and therefore no historical selection data is available.

GS-14 or GS-15

ES - Overview | ES - Senior Acquisition Course | ES - Application Package | ES - Statement of Purpose Writing Guidance | ES - First Line Supervisor Recommendation Form | ES - NDU Nomination Package - Fillable Version
Description Quotas and Who Should Apply    Grade      

ES is designed to prepare highly experienced and well credentialed military officers and civilians for senior leadership and staff positions throughout the acquisition community. The education the ES provides, as mandated by the DAWIA, is comprised of a core curriculum, acquisition advanced policy studies, research and elective courses.

The Eisenhower School is part of the Senior Joint Professional Military Education (JPME) system and is designed to prepare senior civilians who have the potential for advancement to Senior Executive Service (SES) for positions at the strategic policy level. Applicants should be high performing senior leaders with a variety of education, leadership training, and experiences that make them competitive for senior executive positions.

This is a DoD program and NAVFAC nominees compete at the Navy level. Nomination packages are reviewed and rated by a Department of the Navy panel. Those with the highest ratings are selected into the program. Over the course of two years, NAVFAC has submitted three nominations; one was selected, one was not selected, and one is in process of panel review.

GS-14 or GS-15

Description Quotas and Who Should Apply    Grade    

The PMC Interagency Rotation Program enables emerging Federal leaders to expand their leadership competencies, broaden their organizational experiences, and foster networks they can leverage in the future.

This is a full-time six-month rotation to a different federal agency for GS-13 to  GS-15. There is an expectation that applicants are technical experts in their field and have completed appropriate levels of leadership training and/or leadership programs.

There are two cohorts per year. DoD is allocated 7 quotas in each session and Navy is assigned 3 of those quotas (a total of 6 Navy quotas per year). NAVFAC nominees compete for selection at the Navy level.

GS-13 to GS-15

dod / don sponsored programs for the acquisition workforce (awf)

Be in the Know! There are other Leadership Developmental Opportunities that are offered specifically by the DOD and the DON throughout the year for the Acquisition Workforce (AWF):


  • The below programs will not be a part of the open period nomination cycle because there’s no guarantee if all the programs will be announced each FY.

  • NFI will announce each open period for nomination of each respective program.

  • The expected timeframe and target audience for each program is subject to change depending on when program is announced and what the DOD/DON criteria is that year.

  • For additional questions, please reach out to your local DAWIA Training Representative. Your DAWIA Training Representative POC can be found on your eDACM profile.

  Title   Description Target Audience  Timeframe    Funding   

UNC Chapel Hill Understanding the Government-Industry Relationship Course

One-week course that provides strategic and practical applications to better equip the Navy for dealing with industry. Course is designed to provide insight and increase understanding among Dept. of Navy acquisition and requirements professionals of industry’s business and operating mindset, performance indicators, market valuation and pressures, financial processes, governance and leadership processes, executive compensation/incentives, and supply-chain corporate strategies… so that we can be a more effective Weapons/Systems/Services acquisition.

Program Managers, Senior IPT Leads, Contracting Officers, and other senior acquisition leaders. Candidate must be a GS-15, SES, and O-6, Flag or equivalent to be eligible. Flags/SES will receive first priority and are highly encouraged.

End of April  to early May
(1-week session)

Tuition: Centrally funded (DATM)

Travel: DAWDA (subject to funds availability)

  Title   Description Target Audience   Timeframe    Funding  

SECDEF Fellows

The SDEF Program provides a venue for exceptional officers to experience innovative business practices within the nation’s leading business enterprises. Fellows are paired with senior executives in various companies known for their willingness to challenge and adapt their business practices. A successful SDEF tour combined with any previous or future non-resident master’s degree from an accredited university will satisfy the in-residence graduate education requirement for major command. 

O5-O6 Active Duty Officers in the Acquisition Professional Community

Related graduate education and staff experience preferred

July to June (11-12 months)

Tuition: Centrally funded (DATM)

Travel: Local command

  Title   Description Target Audience   Timeframe    Funding  

Navy Insight Into Industry Management Course (3IMC)

Two-week course that focuses on business knowledge of industry relationships, challenges, financial considerations, metrics, corporate culture and business management. Students will graduate with newfound tools and techniques to help them execute their roles in supporting and leading acquisition programs.

Civilian and Military AWF members (O-4 to O-6 and GS-13 to GS-15). AWF members assigned to a Critical Acquisition Position (CAP) in Program Management (PM) will receive first priority, followed by persons representing other career fields and participants in command-sponsored acquisition leadership development programs.

Winter Session: Feb to Mar
Summer Session: July (2-week sessions)

Tuition: Centrally funded (DATM)

Travel: DAWDA (subject to funds availability)

  Title   Description Target Audience   Timeframe    Funding  

DoD Public Private Talent Exchange (PPTE)

Six-month acquisition exchange program that provides the opportunity for mid-career civilians from the private sector and government to gain a better understanding of each other’s business operations and share innovative practices.

High performing Acquisition Workforce (AWF) members; GS-13 to 15 or equivalent with 10-15 years of experience; Strong leadership potential

January to June
(5-6 months)

Tuition: N/A

Travel: DAWDA (subject to funds availability)

Quotas and Who Should Apply

The Sigma Program is a 13 work day rotation where mid-level military and civil service professionals have an opportunity to develop an understanding, and establish a set of working relationships within ASN RD&A. Participants will work with senior acquisition professionals within his/her field at the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy (DASN) level, gain exposure by working with two other DASN's, and spend time with the ASN (RD&A).

The intent of the SIGMA Rotation is for Acquisition Workforce military and civilians to gain insight into the decision making process of senior leaders, gain exposure to the DC environment, foster innovation and creativity in the acquisition workforce, and to return back with a better overall understanding of ASN. Candidates must be  knowledgeable of NAVFAC acquisition programs, be able to provide insight to  ASN RD&A on processes, and be motivated self-starters who "think  outside the box." Selected candidates are required to interview previous Sigma participants on their SIGMA experience. Upon completion of the program, participants will provide a 1-page summary of their experience to their Command and a copy to the Naval Facilities Institute (NFI).

The number of quotas each year for the SIGMA program. There have been up to five quotas in recent years.

Acquisition  Workforce Members GS-13 or GS-14; Military O-4 or O-5

  Title   Description Target Audience   Timeframe    Funding  

DON “National Lead” Acquisition Rotation

Five to Six month rotation opportunity to gain additional knowledge in their career fields and leadership experience from learning how work is accomplished at other Navy and Marine Corp Activities.

High potential/high performing GS-12/13 and DAWIA certified; must be endorsed by a National Lead

5-6 months

Tuition: N/A

Travel: Local command

  Title   Description Target Audience  Timeframe    Funding   

Cyber Information Technology Exchange Program (CITEP)

The CITEP provides a unique opportunity for DoD Components and for private sector organizations to share best practices, gain a better understanding of cross-sector IT operations and challenges, and partner to address these challenges.

AWF civilians who work in the field of cyber operations or information technology (IT).

May - Nov
(6 months)

Tuition: N/A

Travel: Local command

  Title   Description Target Audience   Timeframe    Funding  

Program Managers Workshop

A course for Navy Program Managers and senior acquisition personnel in the history of Navy acquisition and examples of successful Navy Program Management.

AWF Program Managers and senior acquisition personnel


(one week)

Tuition: N/A

Travel: Local command

  Title   Description Target Audience   Timeframe    Funding  


Acquisition Tuition Assistance Program (AWTAP) is a benefit provided to the civilian AWF to assist employees in meeting Defense Acquisition Workforce Improvement Act (DAWIA) educational goals. AWTAP funding is limited to one educational goal only and is subject to availability based on fiscal year appropriations. AWTAP will not reimburse a student for any out-of-pocket expenses or previously completed coursework.

Acquisition Workforce Members

For up to five (5) consecutive years

Tution: Centrally funded (DATM)
Travel: N/A

other developmental programs

Note: These programs do not require participants to submit an application as part of NAVFAC’s leadership program open period. Each program may have other application requirements; see below for more information.

Description Quotas and Who Should Apply    Grade   

The WHLDP aims to strengthen enterprise leadership across the government by providing senior level federal employees with expanded perspective and skill sets to address challenges facing the country.

This program is designed for GS-15 with high potential for Senior Executive positions. Ideal candidates would have a broad range of career experiences that demonstrate progressive levels of responsibility and diverse leadership roles.

NAVFAC nominees compete at the Navy level, with a second round of competition at the DoD level. Navy can nominate 3 candidates and DoD ultimately selects up to 4 candidates to participate in the program. NAVFAC has not previously participated in this program and therefore no historical selection data is available.


Description Quotas and Who Should Apply    Grade   

The IDB LOGTECH Program is available to senior military and civilian personnel associated with the Navy’s logistics community of practice. The courses  examine trends in defense logistics technology and innovation, complex decision-making and divergent thinking and strategies that will shape the future of logistics. The Advanced Course is 5 days long and allows up to 30 participants. The course examines trends in defense logistics technology and innovation, complex decision-making and divergent thinking and strategies that will shape the future of logistics.  The Executive Course is 3.5 days long and allows up to 20 participants. 

All candidates must work in supply chain, transportation, maintenance, life cycle logistics, logistics planning or logistics policy career fields.  Services are allotted about 5 participants per course for the Advanced Course and 3 participants per course for the Executive Course.

GS-13 to GS-15; Military E-9, CWO-4, CWO-5, O-4 to O-6; civilians in the logistics career fields

Description Quotas and Who Should Apply     Grade    

The OSD Sustainment Fellowship Program is a year-long, on-site, hands-on leadership and management development program. The purpose of the program is to enhance career development of mid-level management personnel engaged in logistics, sustainment, and engineering fields; provide an opportunity for OSD-level experience to enable more effective sustainment managers and improve warfighter support; and provide a cross training opportunity through the interagency work experience.

This is a DoD program and applicants must be logistics, sustainment, or engineering professionals in the Logistics Community. Additionally, applicants must demonstrate significant potential for advancement and greater responsibility in their career field.

This is a new program and no information has been provided regarding the number of quotas or selection process.

GS-13 or GS-14; Military O-4 or O-5 



Quotas and Who Should Apply


Our Rotational Excellence Program (REP) provides a dynamic developmental opportunity for leadership-minded individuals in the Small Business Professional and defense-acquisition career fields.

The REP provides opportunities to compete for short-term rotational assignments (duration of 90-120 days) supporting various programs and outreach events that fall under DoD OSBP’s purview.

Acquisition and non-acquisition professionals.  Quotas vary each year. 

GS-11 level (equivalent) or above

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