The Department of the Navy, in cooperation with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) and the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IL EPA), has begun the third Five-Year Review of the remedies selected at Naval Station Great Lakes (NSGL), Lake County, IL. The purpose of the Five-Year Review is to evaluate the implementation and performance of the final remedies to ensure that they are and will continue to be protective of human health and the environment.
Under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) §121 (c), if a remedial action results in CERCLA hazardous substances, pollutants or contaminants remaining at a site at levels that do not allow for unlimited use and unrestricted exposure, the site must be reviewed every five years. During the Five-Year Review, monitoring data from the last five years will be evaluated and compared to updated screening and toxicological criteria to assess effectiveness of the remedies. Annual Land Use Control Inspection reports and investigation documents will be reviewed, and a site inspection will be conducted to further assess site conditions and remedy protectiveness. Additionally, the Five-Year Review will consider the potential impacts of climate change on the remedies to determine if they will remain protective under future scenarios.
One additional component that is vital to the Five-Year Review is obtaining feedback from the community to gauge community knowledge and concerns regarding the status of the implemented remedies. A questionnaire is provided at the link below:
Click here for the NSGL Third Five-Year Review Questionnaire. This form can be mailed or emailed to Matthew Mogle with the NAVFAC Mid-Atlantic Public Affairs Office at the address or email below by February 28, 2025.
NAVFAC Mid-Atlantic
2815 Barry Place, Bldg. 150
C/O Matthew Mogle – Public Affairs Officer
Great Lakes, IL 60088-2816
Phone: 847-688-2430 x359
Actions to implement Navy Recommendations for the Openlands Lakeshore Preserve have begun. The following documents are available to the public:
Please CLICK HERE for the Record of Decision for Site 25 - Camp Moffett Southern Fill Area.
Information Repositories
The Administrative Record (AR) File contains data and documentation supporting site decisions. The AR File for Naval Station Great Lakes contains reports and documents of public interest, such as the Remedial Investigations/Risk Assessments (RIs/RAs), Feasibility Studies (FSs), Proposed Plans (PPs), Records of Decision (RODs), the Community Involvement Plan (CIP), and fact sheets. The AR File can be accessed online through the following link:
Administrative Record
In addition, a copy of the AR File on compact disc (CD) is available in a 3-ring binder at the following Information Repository locations:
North Chicago Public Library (
2100 Argonne Drive
North Chicago, Illinois 60064
Glenview Public Library (
1930 Glenview Road
Glenview, Illinois 60025
Restoration Advisory Board
A Restoration Advisory Board (RAB) does not currently exist for Naval Station Great Lakes; however, if in the future, it is necessary to form a RAB, the Navy will hold meetings of the RAB as warranted to discuss key environmental activities or as general update meetings.
Community Involvement Plan
A Community Involvement Plan (CIP) was developed in January 2010 to identify community concerns and information needs that may arise during remedial activities at Naval Station Great Lakes in Lake County, Illinois. The community involvement activities outlined in the CIP are utilized by the Navy to make sure that residents are continuously informed and provided opportunities to be involved. A copy of the CIP is available in the Administrative Record. The Navy will review and/or modify the CIP whenever necessary to make sure it is effective in keeping both local officials and the general public informed about the Naval Station Great Lakes sites.
Public Notices
Public notices announcing public meetings, public hearings, and the availability of documents are generally advertised in three local newspapers (Pioneer Press, Lake County News Sun, and the Great Lakes Bulletin).