The Landfill Operable Unit is located across the main installation and includes the IRP sites identified as 9, 10, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 29, 30, 34, 37, 40, 41, 67, and 84, and AOCs 32, 59, 64, 85, 99, 102, 113, 118, 122, 124, 131, 154, 173, 206, 211, 228, 239, 241, 242, and 243. The Navy, with the concurrence of the regulatory agencies, grouped these sites as an OU because of similarities in disposal activity, the general types of waste and debris at the sites, and the anticipated remedial action. These sites are at varying stages of the remedial process, as described in the site-specific descriptions below.
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IRP Site 9 – Salt Wells Asbestos Trenches
IRP Site 9 is located in Salt Wells Valley, east of the Propulsion Laboratory Operable Unit. The site encompasses a 10-acre area where reports state that an estimated 300 cubic yards of waste asbestos-containing material generated at NAWS China Lake was disposed of in three slit trenches from 1979 to 1981. Some of the asbestos-containing material was reportedly discarded in plastic bags, although much of it was reported to have been loose when it was buried.
Arsenic, chromium, and lead were identified as chemicals of concern for soil in the 2004 remedial investigation report, and hexavalent chromium and heptachlor epoxide were identified as chemicals of concern for groundwater at IRP Site 9/10. Additional investigation was completed as part of the 2018 remedial investigation addendum at IRP Site 9 and 10 to accomplish the following: confirm that there were no releases of contaminants to groundwater, provide a more current groundwater dataset, update the previous human health risk assessment, and update previous environmental risk assessments.
Based on the results of the remedial investigation addendum, one additional round of groundwater monitoring was recommended to further evaluate whether concentrations of organic and inorganic compounds in IRP Site 9/10 groundwater are remaining stable or are decreasing. An evaluation of the existing soil cover at both sites was also recommended. Finally, an evaluation and potential removal action was recommended for any surface bulk waste debris at IRP Site 9/10 that is found to contain asbestos.
Fieldwork will be completed in the winter of 2020 and 2021 and documented in a draft technical memorandum anticipated to be available in the summer of 2021. The technical memorandum will recommend future actions.
IRP Site 10 – Salt Wells Disposal Trenches
IRP Site 10 is located in Salt Wells Valley, east of the Propulsion Laboratory Operable Unit. The site consists of 10 trenches adjacent to IRP Site 9. From 1960 to 1980, these trenches reportedly received solid wastes as well as some liquid waste from nearby propulsion laboratories.
Arsenic, chromium, and lead were identified as chemicals of concern for soil, and hexavalent chromium and heptachlor epoxide were identified as chemicals of concern for groundwater at IRP Site 9/10. Additional investigation was completed as part of the 2018 remedial investigation addendum at IRP Site 9 and 10 to confirm that there were no releases of contaminants to groundwater, provide a more current groundwater set, and update the previous human health risk assessment and environmental risk assessments.
Based on the results of the remedial investigation addendum, one additional round of groundwater monitoring was recommended to further evaluate whether concentrations of organic and inorganic compounds in IRP Site 9/10 groundwater are remaining stable or are decreasing. An evaluation of the existing soil cover at both sites was also recommended. Finally, an evaluation and potential removal action was recommended for any surface bulk waste debris at IRP Site 9/10 that is found to contain asbestos.
Fieldwork will be completed in the winter of 2020 and 2021 and documented in a draft technical memorandum anticipated to be available in the summer of 2021. The technical memorandum will recommend future actions.
IRP Site 19 – Baker Range Waste Trenches
IRP Site 19 is located in the northwestern portion of the China Lake Complex in the Indian Wells Valley. The site was an open disposal site from 1944 to 1983 and reportedly received approximately 3,000 cubic yards of solid waste before it was subsequently covered by soil. No hazardous waste disposal was documented at the site.
No chemicals of potential concern were identified in soil or groundwater during the 2006 preliminary assessment and 2012 site inspection. A work plan is being generated for a data gaps study.
Fieldwork will be completed in the winter of 2020 and 2021 and documented in a draft technical memorandum anticipated to be available in the summer of 2021. The technical memorandum will recommend future investigations and actions under CERCLA.
IRP Site 20 – Division 36 Ordnance Waste Area
IRP Site 20 is located in the Division 36 area of the central China Lake Complex in the Indian Wells Valley. The site was used from 1960 to 1979 for disposal of range and inert ordnance wastes, which were reportedly buried in two trenches. The total volume was estimated to be 600 cubic yards. The locations of the two trenches were never verified during subsequent site visits.
No chemicals of potential concern were identified in soil during the 2006 preliminary assessment and 2012 site inspection. Groundwater at the site was too deep to be evaluated. A geophysical investigation was completed at the site, and the results indicated that no further delineation was required.
IRP Site 20 was removed from the Landfill Operable Unit plans for further investigation based on the results of the geophysical investigation. The Navy will be pursuing no further action based on previous investigations indicating no burial of waste at the site.
IRP Site 21 – CT-4 Disposal Area Background
IRP Site 21 is located in the CT-4 area in Salt Wells Valley at the end of the CT access road. The site consists of a trench that received approximately 2,000 cubic yards of waste between 1956 and 1979. The disposal area was closed in 1979, all waste was removed, and the area was re-graded. The NAWS China Lake Explosive Ordnance Disposal detachment inspected the material as it was removed. Reports of hazardous material disposal could not be corroborated. During site visits in 1996 and 1999, IRP Site 21 appeared free of debris, and no evidence of hazardous materials was found.
No chemicals of potential concern were identified in soil by the 2002 preliminary assessment. While groundwater was not evaluated, previous data do not confirm that it is even present below the site.
Previous investigations concluded that no further action was warranted at the site because all disposed waste was removed in 1979. No further action was recommended for IRP Site 21 in the 2015 basis for no further action determination report and agency concurrence was received in February 2015. Additional investigation will be completed in 2021 in accordance with the basewide per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances site inspection.
IRP Site 22 – Pilot Plant Road Landfill
IRP Site 22 is located in the southeastern portion of the China Lake Complex in the Indian Wells Valley. The site was a landfill that received most of the household wastes generated by on-base housing, and small amounts of industrial material, from 1944 to 1965.
No chemicals of concern were identified for soil or groundwater by risk assessments included in the 1996 and 2000 remedial investigations. A data gaps investigation concluded that reduced frequency or reduced monitoring may be pursued based on the lack of site impacts over the last 50 years. Before any monitoring occurs, replacement of dry wells may be necessary because of declining groundwater levels.
The site is being included in a data gaps work plan for the Landfill Operable Unit sites. Fieldwork will be completed in the winter of 2020 and 2021 and documented in a draft technical memorandum anticipated to be available in the summer of 2021. The technical memorandum will recommend future, additional CERCLA actions.
IRP Site 23 – K-2 South Disposal Area
IRP Site 23 is located in the south-central portion of the China Lake Complex in the Indian Wells Valley, along North Knox Road, south of the Aircraft Survivability area. The site consists of three trenches that received range waste from 1950 until 1981. Unopened 1- and 5-gallon cans of chlordane were reportedly received at this site. Navy personnel interviewed during a 1996 site reconnaissance confirmed that some of the chlordane in the 1- and 5-gallon containers had been placed at IRP Site 23.
Based on the 2006 preliminary assessment and 2012 site inspection report, arsenic, chromium, and polychlorinated biphenyls were identified as chemicals of potential concern for soil, and trichloroethylene was identified as a chemical of potential concern for groundwater. A 2018 data gaps investigation confirmed chlorinated solvent concentrations at the site, indicating a low-level release to groundwater that may require further evaluation and delineation.
The site is being included in a data gaps work plan for the Landfill Operable Unit sites. Fieldwork will be completed in the winter of 2020 and 2021 and documented in a draft technical memorandum anticipated to be available in the summer of 2021. The technical memorandum will recommend additional, future CERCLA actions.
IRP Site 24 – K-2 North Disposal Areas
IRP Site 24 is located in the K-2 Range in the northeastern portion of the China Lake Complex, east of the Aircraft Survivability area within the Indian Wells Valley. The site consists of two trenches excavated in a natural drainage that received range waste from 1950 to 1981. Previous reports indicated that at least several 1- and 5-gallon cans of chlordane were emplaced at this site and others in the 1970s. The site received an estimated 500 to 1,000 cubic yards of waste. No chemicals of potential concern were identified for soil by the 2006 preliminary assessment and 2012 site inspection. Groundwater was not evaluated since it is not likely present at the site based on the shallow bedrock nearby. A geophysical investigation at the site found no features that warrant further delineation.
The site is being included in a data gaps work plan for the Landfill Operable Unit sites. Fieldwork will be completed in the winter of 2020 and 2021 and documented in a draft technical memorandum anticipated to be available in the summer of 2021. The technical memorandum will recommend future, additional CERCLA actions.
IRP Site 25 – G-2 Range Disposal Area
IRP Site 25 is located in the G-2 Range in the southern portion of the China Lake Complex, east of G-2 Tower Road within the Indian Wells Valley. The site consists of three trenches that received inert range waste from 1944 to 1958 and is also referred to as AOC 241. An estimated 600 cubic yards of waste were disposed of at the site. No chemicals of potential concern were identified for soil or groundwater by the 2006 preliminary assessment and 2012 site inspection. An ecological risk screening has not yet been completed. A geophysical investigation at the site found no features that warrant further delineation.
The Navy is conducting more work in the area as part of the larger AOC 241. The site is also being included in a data gaps work plan for the Landfill Operable Unit sites. Fieldwork will be completed in the winter of 2020 and 2021 and documented in a draft technical memorandum anticipated to be available in the summer of 2021. The technical memorandum will recommend additional, future CERCLA actions.
IRP Site 26 – G-2 Range Ordnance Waste Area
IRP Site 26 is located in the southern portion of the China Lake Complex south of George Road within the Indian Wells Valley. The site, also known as Point of Interest 110, consists of two trenches that received an estimated 500 cubic yards of inert range waste from 1950 to 1979. No chemicals of potential concern were identified for soil or groundwater by the 2006 preliminary assessment and 2012 site inspection. An ecological risk screening has not yet been performed.
The site is being included in a data gaps work plan for the Landfill Operable Unit sites. Fieldwork will be completed in the winter of 2020 and 2021 and documented in a draft technical memorandum anticipated to be available in the summer of 2021. The technical memorandum will recommend additional, future CERCLA actions.
IRP Site 27 – NAF Disposal Area
IRP Site 27 is located northwest of Armitage Field in the Indian Wells Valley. The site is an inactive landfill that received an estimated 2,000 cubic yards of waste materials in five slit trenches between 1945 and 1978. No chemicals of potential concern were identified for groundwater by the site inspection, and soil was assessed not to be of concern because the wastes are buried. Volatile organic compounds and helium were identified as chemicals of potential concern in soil vapor at the site.
The Navy is conducting a site inspection for IRP Site 27, which will summarize the results of surface soil and groundwater sampling and analysis completed in April 2015 and soil gas and groundwater sampling and analysis completed in July 2017. Additional data collection was recommended based on the results of the site inspection.
The site is being included in a data gaps work plan for the Landfill Operable Unit sites. Fieldwork will be completed in the winter of 2020 and 2021 and documented in a draft technical memorandum anticipated to be available in the summer of 2021. The technical memorandum will recommend additional, future CERCLA actions.
IRP Site 29 – C-1 East Disposal Area
IRP Site 29 is situated within the Indian Wells Valley in the northwestern portion of the China Lake Complex. The site is a disposal area where ordnance and other materials were buried from the early 1950s through the late 1970s. Initial investigations documented a possible one-time disposal of chlordane and lead-based paint, although this was not confirmed by subsequent investigations. A 2018 focused feasibility study identified cadmium, lead, and radionuclides as chemicals of concern for soil but identified no chemicals of concern for groundwater.
The site is being included in a data gaps work plan for the Landfill Operable Unit sites. Fieldwork will be completed in the winter of 2020 and 2021 and documented in a draft technical memorandum anticipated to be available in the summer of 2021. The technical memorandum will recommend additional, future, CERCLA actions.
IRP Site 30 – C-1 Range West Disposal Area
IRP Site 30 is located within the Indian Wells Valley in the southern-central portion of the China Lake Complex. The site is an ordnance landfill thought to have received inert and live ordnance waste from 1950 to 1979. The site contains an area of noticeable disturbance, which is surrounded by signs indicating burial of ordnance. The volume or type of ordnance could not be identified. No chemicals of potential concern were identified for soil or groundwater at IRP Site 30 by the 2006 preliminary assessment and 2012 site inspection.
The site is being included in a data gaps work plan for the Landfill Operable Unit sites. Fieldwork will be completed in the winter of 2020 and 2021 and documented in a draft technical memorandum anticipated to be available in the summer of 2021. The technical memorandum will recommend additional, future CERCLA actions.
IRP Site 34 – Lauritsen Road Landfill
IRP Site 34 is a disposal area located east of North Lauritsen Road in the Indian Wells Valley. The site is a relatively large landfill that received solid and liquid wastes from 1944 to 1955. An estimated 2,000 cubic yards of material were disposed of at the site.
Arsenic and manganese were identified as chemicals of potential concern for soil; hexavalent chromium, metals, volatile organic compounds, and one semivolatile organic compound were identified as chemicals of potential concern for groundwater; and chloroform and trichloroethylene were identified as chemicals of potential concern for soil vapor. A geophysical survey was conducted in December 2018 with the goal of delineating the disposal trenches at the site. The results of the survey conclusively identified a significant number of disposal trenches either fully or partially covered.
The site is being included in a data gaps work plan for the Landfill Operable Unit sites. Fieldwork will be completed in the winter of 2020 and 2021 and documented in a draft technical memorandum anticipated to be available in the summer of 2021. The technical memorandum will recommend additional, future CERCLA actions.
IRP Site 37 – Golf Course Landfill
IRP Site 37 is located south and east of the golf course and south of Knox Road in the Indian Wells Valley. The site was used from 1945 to 1964 for disposal of general refuse, construction waste, and demolition debris. The 2004 remedial investigation confirmed that waste was primarily dumped on the surface of the ground and was not placed in trenches or buried. An estimated 1,200 cubic yards of waste were deposited in the landfill. No chemicals of concern were identified for soil or groundwater in the 2018 remedial investigation addendum.
The combined remedial investigation and remedial investigation addendum concluded that IRP Site 37 should no longer be considered a landfill because no burial of waste was observed. The geophysical survey did not identify disposal trenches, all waste appears to be limited to surface piles, and some of the construction debris exposed at the surface contains asbestos. There is no indication of a release of contaminants to surface soil, subsurface soil, or groundwater.
The site is being included in a data gaps work plan for the Landfill Operable Unit sites. Fieldwork will be completed in the winter of 2020 and 2021 and documented in a draft technical memorandum anticipated to be available in the summer of 2021. The technical memorandum will recommend additional, future CERCLA actions.
IRP Site 40 – Randsburg Wash No. 1
IRP Site 40 is located approximately 1 mile north of the main administration buildings for the Randsburg Wash/Mojave B Complex. The site consists of three open trenches where solid waste from Randsburg Wash operations were reportedly buried from 1950 to 1975. Materials disposed of in the trenches consisted primarily of inert ordnance and range wastes. No chemicals of potential concern were identified for soil by the 2012 site inspection, and groundwater was not evaluated because it is expected to be very deep.
A geophysical survey was conducted between December 2018 and January 2019 that showed that the largest trench, which was partially open, also contains more areas of adjacent buried waste. The survey also found a second area of disposal south of the open trench.
The site is being included in a data gaps work plan for the Landfill Operable Unit sites. Fieldwork will be completed in the winter of 2020 and 2021 and documented in a draft technical memorandum anticipated to be available in the summer of 2021. The technical memorandum will provide recommendations for future, additional CERCLA actions.
IRP Site 41 – Randsburg Wash No. 2
IRP Site 41 is located in Randsburg Wash, north of the main administration buildings. The site contains a trench where waste was reportedly buried in the 1950s and 1960s. The total quantities of waste oil and solvents disposed of were estimated to be 2,000 to 3,000 gallons each.
No chemicals of concern were identified in the 2004 remedial investigation. An attempt was made to install one monitoring well, but no groundwater was encountered to a depth of 275 feet below ground surface, and the borehole was abandoned. The remedial investigation concluded that reports of waste disposal in prior reports for IRP Site 41 were not accurate. Rather, it concluded that these wastes were disposed of in a nearby trench at AOC 154.
A no further action status was finalized in December 2014, and therefore IRP Site 41 is considered closed. Further action is being conducted at AOC 154.
IRP Site 67 – Lane Haven Dump
IRP Site 67, the Lane Haven Dump, is located outside of the main China Lake Complex in the Indian Wells Valley. The site was used to dispose of trash from the Lane Haven Trailer Court from 1964 to 1981. The Navy acquired the property in 1981, and the dump may have been used later to dispose of drums of oil. The pit is uncovered, and interviews revealed that unauthorized dumping at the site had been an ongoing problem because the area was unsecured and readily accessible.
No evidence of drum disposal was found on the site during a 2000 site visit. No chemicals of potential concern were identified for soil during the 2012 site inspection. Groundwater was not investigated since it is expected to occur at a depth greater than 250 feet below ground surface. A geophysical survey was conducted in December 2018 with the goal of confirming that the dump was removed or to locate its actual location. The results of the survey showed no areas of significant burial at the site that would indicate a waste disposal trench or dump.
The site is being included in a data gaps work plan for the Landfill Operable Unit sites. Fieldwork will be completed in the winter of 2020 and 2021 and documented in a draft technical memorandum anticipated to be available in the summer of 2021. The technical memorandum will recommend additional, future CERCLA actions.
IRP Site 84 – Salt Wells Burn Area
IRP Site 84 is located in the Salt Wells Valley east of the Propulsion Laboratory. The site is not well documented historically, but it is believed that the area was used to stage and then burn waste materials from explosive tests. The operating dates are unknown. It was originally investigated in July 2003 as part of the remedial investigation conducted at the Propulsion Laboratory Operable Unit. It was subsequently moved to the AOC program for additional studies. Based on the results of the additional work, the Navy converted AOC 235 into IRP Site 84.
During the 2018 site inspection, metals in soil and hexavalent chromium, chlorinated solvents, and molybdenum in groundwater were identified as chemicals of potential concern. The site inspection concluded that further evaluation in the form of an additional remedial investigation or feasibility study is warranted.
The site is being included in a data gaps work plan for the Landfill Operable Unit sites. Fieldwork will be completed in the winter of 2020 and 2021 and documented in a draft technical memorandum anticipated to be available in the summer of 2021. The technical memorandum will recommend additional, future CERCLA actions.
AOC 32 – Armitage Field Asbestos Dumps
AOC 32 was reportedly located directly west of the airfield along Range Access Road. The site is a reported disposal area covered with soil that contains asbestos from demolition materials disposed of in the early 1980s. A December 2000 site reconnaissance discovered that a building and parking lot may be covering the burial area. In April 2005, another potential burial site was discovered but quickly ruled out. No samples have been collected at the AOC. The only remaining suspected location of the disposal area is beneath the building and parking lot.
Based on known information, the site was recommended for low priority for future evaluation. Although the site is currently considered part of the Landfill Operable Unit, the Navy is investigating it as part of a site inspection at IRP Site 80. A geophysical investigation will be conducted at AOC 32 within the parking lot to evaluate whether potential burial trenches or debris are present within the parking lot. If a potential disposal site is identified, then surface and subsurface soil samples will be collected for analysis of asbestos.
The results of the site inspection will inform the next steps at the site. The field activities were planned for 2020, with no reported results yet available.
AOC 59 – B-Range Trichloroethylene Burial
AOC 59 is located in the North Range area near the western boundary of the base. The site consists of a shallow trench that previously held several 55-gallon drums, most containing fluid that appeared to be motor oil. The Navy removed all drums as part of a range cleanup effort. Additionally, miscellaneous trash was present inside the trench, and there are areas of stained soil. All debris was also removed along with the drums. This area was once believed to be the location of buried trichloroethylene containers.
Total petroleum hydrocarbons, volatile organic compounds, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, and arsenic were identified as chemicals of potential concern in soil in the 2006 preliminary assessment report. An attempt was made at three separate locations to install temporary monitoring wells to collect groundwater samples, but drilling equipment encountered bedrock that it was unable to penetrate before groundwater was encountered during all three attempts.
Based on previous studies, a 2010 report recommended AOC 59 no longer be considered high priority for future investigation. Although the site is currently considered part of the Landfill Operable Unit, the Navy is investigating it as part of a site inspection at IRP Site 80. Surface and subsurface soil and soil gas samples will be collected.
The results of the site inspection will inform the next steps taken at the site. The field activities were planned for 2020, with no reported results yet available.
AOC 64 – Building X (Area ER)
AOC 64 is located in the central portion of the main base just south of Water Road. The site consists of scattered surface debris and an area of disposal trenches, along with a septic system, associated with Building X in Area ER. Area ER is the self-contained facility constructed in 1945 to develop the atomic bomb fuze and for drop tests. This area was active from 1945 to the 1980s. After World War II, all the buildings were eventually used for other projects.
The chemicals of potential concern identified at the site include total petroleum hydrocarbons, dioxins, pesticides, and radionuclides in soil as well as tetrachloroethene, perchlorate, and radionuclides in groundwater. The geophysical survey indicates that buried debris is still present in the old trenches at the site. The 2010 technical memorandum recommended further investigation, focusing on identifying whether the buried debris is responsible for the localized solvent detections in groundwater.
Although AOC 64 is currently considered part of the Landfill Operable Unit, the Navy planned to investigate AOC 64 as part of a site inspection at IRP Site 80. However, it was removed from the list of AOCs for the site inspection and will be addressed within the framework of the Navy’s radiological program, which is not part of the ERP.
AOC 85 – CT Main Site Trenches
AOC 85 is located in a series of drainages at the edge of a playa in Salt Wells Valley. The site is an abandoned landfill suspected to have received X-ray and photographic chemicals and other industrial wastes in the 1940s and 1950s. No significant burial was apparent during the 2018 site inspection. The chemicals of potential concern identified at the site include metals in soil and total petroleum hydrocarbons, chloroform, and metals in groundwater. Several metals were also identified as chemicals of potential environmental concern in the site inspection report.
A geophysical survey was conducted in December 2018 with the goal of defining any suspected disposal trenches at the site. The results of the survey showed no significant anomalies that would indicate a disposal trench, although some areas of shallow buried waste were identified in areas of surface debris.
The Navy conducted a site inspection for several of the AOCs under the Landfill Operable Unit. It was decided that further evaluation as part of a remedial investigation or feasibility study is warranted for this site. The site is being included in a data gaps work plan for the Landfill Operable Unit sites. Fieldwork will be completed in the winter of 2020 and 2021 and documented in a draft technical memorandum anticipated to be available in the summer of 2021. The technical memorandum will recommend additional, future CERCLA actions.
AOC 99 – G-2 Dump
AOC 99 is located near the eastern-central portion of the main base. The site was initially reported as an abandoned dump where debris was exposed at the surface. Dates of waste disposal are unknown. Various metals were identified as both chemicals of potential concern and chemicals of potential environmental concern for soil and groundwater.
AOC 99 is now being used for range operations and no longer falls under the CERCLA guidelines for evaluation. AOC 99 is recommended for removal from the IRP and transfer to the range sustainment program, where further evaluation may be required in the future.
AOC 102 – G-4 Track Dump
AOC 102 is located in the northern portion of the main base. The site is an asbestos landfill that is well covered with soil and is marked with signs. The cover is a soil mound that directs water away and minimizes potential infiltration. The dates of disposal and the contents of the trench are unknown. An attempt was made to measure the depth to groundwater in a well during the 2005 investigation, but no water was encountered down to a depth of 300 feet. The only chemical of potential concern identified during the preliminary assessment was total petroleum hydrocarbons in soil.
The 2006 preliminary assessment recommended AOC 102 as a low priority for future evaluation. Although AOC 102 is currently considered part of the Landfill Operable Unit, the Navy is investigating AOC 102 as part of a site inspection at IRP Site 80. Further soil sampling will take place to assess potential soil impacts on the site.
The results of the site inspection will inform the next steps taken at the site. The field activities were planned for 2020, with no reported results yet available.
AOC 113 – K-2 Housing Waste Dumps
AOC 113 is located in the eastern portion of the main base near the Aircraft Survivability area. The site is a single open trench that was used to bury concrete rubble from demolition in the housing area. Dates of waste disposal are unknown. Various metals were identified as chemicals of potential concern and chemicals of potential environmental concern in soil during the 2018 site inspection. Based on the location of AOC 113, it was concluded that it would be unlikely that groundwater would be encountered in the area.
The Navy conducted a site inspection for several of the AOCs under the Landfill Operable Unit. It was decided that further evaluation as part of a remedial investigation or feasibility study is warranted for this site. The site is being included in a data gaps work plan for the Landfill Operable Unit sites. Fieldwork will be completed in the winter of 2020 and 2021 and documented in a draft technical memorandum anticipated to be available in the summer of 2021. The technical memorandum will recommend additional, future CERCLA actions.
AOC 118 – K-2 West Disposal Trenches
AOC 118 is located in the eastern portion of the main base near the Aircraft Survivability area. The site consists of two debris areas with partially buried wastes and an aircraft disposal site. Dates of waste disposal are unknown. Various metals were identified as chemicals of potential concern and chemicals of potential environmental concern in soil during the 2018 site inspection. Based on the location of AOC 118, it was determined that encountering groundwater in the area would be unlikely.
A geophysical survey was conducted in December 2018 with the goal of identifying whether any disposal trenches exist at the site or if the debris is surficial. The results indicated that there are no areas of significant waste burial at AOC 118, which confirms the initial assumptions.
The Navy conducted a site inspection for several of the AOCs under the Landfill Operable Unit. It was determined that further evaluation as part of a remedial investigation or feasibility study is warranted for this site. The site is being included in a data gaps work plan for the Landfill Operable Unit sites. Fieldwork will be completed in the winter of 2020 and 2021 and documented in a draft technical memorandum anticipated to be available in the summer of 2021. The technical memorandum will recommend additional, future CERCLA actions.
AOC 122 – LB Dump
AOC 122 is an open trench near the live bombing administration area, located in the North Range area. Dates of disposal are unknown. Total petroleum hydrocarbons, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, and acetone were identified as chemicals of potential concern in soil by the 2006 preliminary assessment.
The preliminary assessment recommended that AOC 122 be considered a low priority for future work. Although AOC 122 is currently considered part of the Landfill Operable Unit, the Navy is investigating AOC 122 as part of a site inspection at IRP Site 80. Further soil sampling will occur to evaluate the extent of potential soil impacts.
The results of the site inspection will inform the next steps taken at the site. The field activities were planned for 2020, with no reported results yet available.
AOC 124 – LB West Dump
AOC 124 consists of an aircraft debris dump within the active live bombing range, located in the North Range area. Dates of disposal are unknown. Cadmium and zinc in soil were identified as chemicals of potential concern during the 2018 site inspection. Groundwater was not evaluated but is expected to be around 50 feet below ground surface. Antimony, cadmium, copper, lead, and zinc were identified as chemicals of potential environmental concern in soil.
A geophysical survey was conducted in December 2018 with the goal of identifying whether any disposal trenches exist at the site or if the debris is only on the surface. The results indicated that areas of waste burial at AOC 124 are both associated with and nearby an observed pile of debris.
The Navy conducted a site inspection for several of the AOCs under the Landfill Operable Unit. It was determined that further evaluation as part of a remedial investigation or feasibility study is warranted for this site. The site is being included in a data gaps work plan for the Landfill Operable Unit sites. Fieldwork will be completed in the winter of 2020 and 2021 and documented in a draft technical memorandum anticipated to be available in the summer of 2021. The technical memorandum will recommend additional, future CERCLA actions.
AOC 131 – Old AEC Trench
AOC 131 is reportedly located in Salt Wells Valley, near the CT area. The site was a suspected buried disposal trench. The dates of operation are unknown, but most likely it was operational in the 1940s. No chemicals of potential concern or chemicals of potential environmental concern were identified in soil or groundwater in the 2006 preliminary assessment report.
The reported disposal trench could not be located after multiple interviews, reviews of aerial photographs, a search of documents, and two separate geophysical surveys. Therefore, the preliminary assessment recommended no further action for AOC 131. The site was included in the work plan for IRP Site 80 but will likely not be part of the site inspection because of the lack of evidence that the trench exists. A request for a no further action designation is planned for AOC 131.
AOC 154 – Randsburg Wash Land Site Trenches
AOC 154 is located in Randsburg Wash, northeast of the main administration area. The site consists of two large disposal pits or trenches that were the main disposal site for operations in Randsburg Wash from the early 1950s until use was discontinued in 1980. Approximately 3 cubic yards of waste per week were reportedly disposed of in this area. It was also reported that the waste piles were burned regularly.
More recent investigations have suggested that waste disposal attributed to trenches at IRP Site 41 may actually have occurred at AOC 154 because no evidence of disposal was found during investigation of IRP Site 41. As a result, the Navy, with state concurrence, closed IRP Site 41 and focused on the waste disposal identified at AOC 154. A geophysical survey supported by limited surface and subsurface soil sampling has identified a single, relatively large trench at AOC 154.
Total petroleum hydrocarbons, total cyanide, arsenic, and perchlorate were identified in the 2006 preliminary assessment report as chemicals of potential concern in soil. Assessment of groundwater has been problematic because the depth to groundwater at the site is believed to be up to 500 feet below ground surface. The site was part of a geophysical survey conducted between December 2018 and January 2019 to help with delineating the trench.
The site is being included in a data gaps work plan for the Landfill Operable Unit sites. Fieldwork will be completed in the winter of 2020 and 2021 and documented in a draft technical memorandum anticipated to be available in the summer of 2021. The technical memorandum will recommend additional, future CERCLA actions.
AOC 173 – Supersonic Naval Ordnance Research Track Film Dump
AOC 173 is reportedly a covered, 5-acre dump located in the eastern portion of the main base just south of the Supersonic Naval Ordnance Research Track control and administration building. Dates of waste disposal are unknown. Minor staining was observed at the site during the site reconnaissance conducted in January 2001. Several burn areas, a small area of black tar, and several scattered areas of metal debris were also observed.
Groundwater was not encountered in a soil boring that went to 105 feet below ground surface and was therefore not sampled. The need to drill deeper using alternative methods was not warranted based on the analytical result for soil samples and the geophysical survey and exploratory trenching at the site. Total petroleum hydrocarbons and acetone were detected in soil and identified as chemicals of potential concern in the 2006 preliminary assessment report.
The preliminary assessment recommended the site as a low priority for further investigation. Although AOC 173 is currently considered part of the Landfill Operable Unit, the Navy is investigating the site as part of a site inspection at IRP Site 80. Samples will be collected to evaluate surface soils for dioxins, furans, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons at the area of burned soil. The results of the site inspection will inform the next steps taken at the site. The field activities were planned for 2020, with no reported results yet available.
AOC 206 – Sierra View Dump
AOC 206 is located adjacent to the south base boundary along Inyokern Road. The site was reportedly used for disposal of industrial and construction debris from 1947 to the mid-1970s. Currently, an open pit is present and industrial, construction, and demolition debris is visible. Wastes include asbestos, construction debris, industrial waste, metal scrap, oil and grease, paints and thinners, wood scrap, and target debris. The analytes identified as chemicals of potential concern during the site inspection included arsenic in soil, and arsenic, manganese, and molybdenum in groundwater. Lead and zinc were identified as chemicals of potential environmental concern in soil.
The Navy conducted a 2018 site inspection for several of the AOCs under the Landfill Operable Unit. It was determined that further evaluation as part of a remedial investigation or feasibility study is warranted for this site. The site is being included in a data gaps work plan for the Landfill Operable Unit sites. Fieldwork will be completed in the winter of 2020 and 2021 and documented in a draft technical memorandum anticipated to be available in the summer of 2021. The technical memorandum will recommend additional, future CERCLA actions.
AOC 211 – Supersonic Naval Ordnance Research Track Dump West
AOC 211 is located in the southwestern portion of the base just west of the Supersonic Naval Ordnance Research Track control and administration building. The site consists of disposal trenches and burn areas used to dispose of industrial wastes from research and development at the Supersonic Naval Ordnance Research Track from the 1960s to the 1980s. Total petroleum hydrocarbons, the explosive compound TNT, bromoform, acetone, dioxins, arsenic, and perchlorate were detected and identified as chemicals of potential concern in soil in the 2006 preliminary assessment report. Dioxins and perchlorate were detected and identified as chemicals of potential concern in groundwater.
The site is being included in a data gaps work plan for the Landfill Operable Unit sites. Fieldwork will be completed in the winter of 2020 and 2021 and documented in a draft technical memorandum anticipated to be available in the summer of 2021. The technical memorandum will recommend additional, future CERCLA actions.
AOC 228 – Baker 3 Tower
AOC 228 is located near the western boundary of the main base in Baker Range. The site includes a burned building, an associated underground storage tank, and a dump north of the building site. Historical information suggests the likely presence of unexploded ordnance in the dump. A septic system was reported but not located. The area was active in the 1940s and 1950s. Total petroleum hydrocarbons, benzene, furans, dioxins, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, and metals were detected and identified as chemicals of potential concern in soil in the 2006 preliminary assessment report. Total petroleum hydrocarbons, semivolatile organic compounds, dioxins, metals, and perchlorate were detected and identified as chemicals of potential concern in groundwater.
The preliminary assessment recommended AOC 228 as medium priority for further investigation. Although the site is currently considered part of the Landfill Operable Unit, the Navy is investigating it as part of a site inspection at IRP Site 80. Further soil and groundwater samples will be collected from around the site to better gauge the level of contamination.
The results of the site inspection will inform the next steps taken at the site. The field activities were planned for 2020, with no reported results yet available.
AOC 239 – CLPP Chemical Lab Dump (also Identified as AOC 161)
AOC 239 is located near the crest of the hill between the Indian Wells and Salt Wells Valleys, north of the China Lake Propulsion Laboratory gate. The site is a buried dump, possibly containing waste debris from chemical laboratories. The dates of disposal are unknown. AOC 239 was identified as the same location as AOC 161 during the April 2004 site visits. Based on drilling for this investigation, groundwater is not believed to exist in the unconsolidated soil beneath this AOC.
The chemicals of potential concern and chemicals of potential environmental concern identified during the site inspection at AOC 239 included explosives, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, and metals in soil. Groundwater was not encountered even though drilling was completed to 80 feet below ground surface.
The Navy conducted a site inspection in 2018 for several of the AOCs under the Landfill Operable Unit. It was determined that further evaluation as part of a remedial investigation or feasibility study is warranted for this site. The site is being included in a data gaps work plan for the Landfill Operable Unit sites. Fieldwork will be completed in the winter of 2020 and 2021 and documented in a draft technical memorandum anticipated to be available in the summer of 2021. The technical memorandum will recommend additional, future CERCLA actions.
AOC 241 – G-Range Control (Temporary)
AOC 241 is located in the playa in the central portion of the main base. The site was built as a temporary ground range control facility for testing live and inert weapons while the G-1 and G-2 permanent facilities were under construction. The facility reportedly was most likely used for only a few years, possibly between 1945 and 1952. Recent information suggests that AOC 241, or portions of the AOC, are the same location as IRP Site 25.
Total petroleum hydrocarbons, volatile organic compounds, cyanide, pesticides, dioxins, polychlorinated biphenyls, and metals were identified in the 2006 preliminary assessment report as chemicals of potential concern for soil. Total petroleum hydrocarbons, carbon disulfide, metals, and chloride were identified in the preliminary assessment report as chemicals of potential concern for groundwater.
The preliminary assessment recommended AOC 241 as medium priority for further investigation. Although the site is currently considered part of the Landfill Operable Unit, the Navy is investigating it as part of IRP Site 80. Further soil samples from both the surface and subsurface will be collected from around the site to better gauge the level of contamination.
The results of the site inspection will inform the next steps taken at the site. The field activities were planned for 2020 , with no reported results yet available.
AOC 242 – Baker 3 Film Dump
AOC 242 is located near the western boundary of the main base in Baker Range. The site is an unlined open trench. Surface photographs date the trench to the 1940s and 1950s. The trench contains boxes of film, empty 55-gallon drums, wood debris, and trash. The chemicals of potential concern identified during the 2018 site inspection at AOC 242 included arsenic and manganese in soil, and total petroleum hydrocarbons and metals in groundwater. Lead, molybdenum, vanadium, and zinc were also identified as chemicals of potential environmental concern in soil at AOC 242.
The Navy conducted a site inspection for several of the AOCs under the Landfill Operable Unit. It was determined that further evaluation as part of a remedial investigation or feasibility study is warranted for this site. The site is being included in a data gaps work plan for the Landfill Operable Unit sites. Fieldwork will be completed in the winter of 2020 and 2021 and documented in a draft technical memorandum anticipated to be available in the summer of 2021. The technical memorandum will recommend additional, future CERCLA actions.
AOC 243 – Area R East Trenches
AOC 243 is located in Area R near the intersection of Pole Line Road and Water Road. The site consists of three specific disposal trenches designated Trenches 1, 2, and 3. The trenches were first identified as part of the 1996 preliminary assessment investigation for the Area R OU. Based on historical aerial photographs, the trenches were in use as early as 1949, and Trench 2 was filled in by 1979. Trenches 1 and 3 remain partially open.
The chemicals of potential concern identified during the 2018 site inspection at AOC 243 included thallium in soil and hexavalent chromium in groundwater. Chemicals of potential environmental concern identified in soil included cadmium, lead, mercury, and zinc.
The Navy conducted a site inspection for several of the AOCs under the Landfill Operable Unit. It was determined that further evaluation as part of a remedial investigation or feasibility study is warranted for this site. The site is being included in a data gaps work plan for the Landfill Operable Unit sites. Fieldwork will be completed in the winter of 2020 and 2021 and documented in a draft technical memorandum anticipated to be available in the summer of 2021. The technical memorandum will recommend additional, future CERCLA actions.
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