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Former Atlantic Fleet Weapons Training Area - Vieques

Environmental Restoration Program Public Website

Documents for Review

Dear Community Members,
On behalf of the Vieques Restoration Advisory Board (RAB) Co-chairs, the public is invited to attend two separate events to be held at the Multiple Use Center on February 12, 2025 beginning at 3pm. The first event will be a RAB Retreat that will be hosted by the RAB Community Co-Chair and will be an opportunity to learn and obtain information about the RAB members roles and the ongoing Vieques Cleanup. This event will immediately be followed by a Navy hosted RAB Meeting at 5pm that will be in person and Virtual. Additional details below:

Estimados miembros de la Comunidad,
A nombre de los colideres de la Junta de Consejo para la Restauración (RAB) de Vieques, se invita al público a asistir a dos eventos separados que se llevarán a cabo en el Centro de Uso Múltiple el dia 12 de febrero de 2025 a partir de las 3 p.m. El primer evento será un Retiro del RAB que será organizado por el colíder de la Comunidad del RAB y será una oportunidad para aprender y obtener información sobre las funciones de los miembros del RAB y la limpieza en curso de Vieques. Este evento será seguido inmediatamente por la reunión del RAB organizada por la Marina a las 5 p.m. que se llevará a cabo en persona y virtual. Detalles adicionales a continuación:

RAB Retreat (In-person only) / Retiro del RAB (En persona)

Date/Fecha: Wednesday, February 12, 2025/Miércoles, 12 de febrero de 2025
Time/Hora: 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM (AST)
Location/Lugar: Multiple Use Center, Vieques - Across from the Public Square in Isabel Segunda, Vieques, PR

Navy’s hybrid (In-Person and Virtual) meeting #76 of the Vieques Restoration Advisory Board (RAB) / Reunión híbrida (presencial y virtual) de la Marina #76 la Junta de Consejo para la Restauración de Vieques

There will be presentations and attendees can use this one-on-one time with Navy and regulatory agency representatives to learn more and ask questions about the cleanup.
Date/Fecha: Wednesday, February 12, 2025
Time/Hora: 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM (AST)
Location/Lugar: Multiple Use Center, Vieques - Across from the Public Square in Isabel Segunda, Vieques, PR

- Meeting ID/De la Reunión: 269 384 892 160
- Passcode/Código de acceso: Sy3Pu23C
- Call-in/No. de Teléfono: +1 469-214-8538
- Conference ID/De la Conferencia: 964 391 743#

The public is always welcome at RAB meetings, we encourage you to participate! El público siempre es bienvenido a las reuniones del RAB, ¡le animamos a participar!


UXO 13 – Eastern Maneuver Area West located at the former Vieques Naval Training Range

The Department of the Navy (Navy), in collaboration with the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region 2, the Puerto Rico Department of Environmental and Natural Resources (PRDNER), and the United States Fish and Wildlife Services (USFWS), will be implementing a Time Critical Removal Action (TCRA) to reduce the explosive hazard associated with potential munitions that may be present at UXO 13 – Eastern Maneuver Area West located at the former Vieques Naval Training Range (VNTR) in Vieques, Puerto Rico. UXO 13 was formerly used by the Navy for training exercises related to small arms fire, artillery and tank fire, and combat engineering training. This area continues to be managed as a wildlife refuge by USFWS.

An electronic version of the TCRA Work Plan has been uploaded and is available to the public on the Navy’s public website homepage ( Any questions regarding the TCRA can be directed to: Kevin Cloe or Maria Danois

UXO 13 - Área Este de Maniobras en el Oeste ubicada en el antiguo Campo de adiestramiento Naval de Vieques

El Departamento de la Marina (Marina), en colaboración con la Agencia de Protección Ambiental de los Estados Unidos (EPA, por sus siglas en inglés) Región 2, el Departamento de Recursos Naturales y Ambientales de Puerto Rico (PRDNER, por sus siglas en inglés) y los Servicios de Pesca y Vida Silvestre de los Estados Unidos (USFWS, por sus siglas en inglés), implementarán una Acción de Remoción de Tiempo Crítico (TCRA, por sus siglas en inglés) para reducir el peligro de explosivos asociado con posibles municiones que pueden estar presentes en UXO 13 – Área Este de Maniobras en el Oeste ubicada en el antiguo Campo de adiestramiento Naval de Vieques (VNTR, por sus siglas en inglés) en Vieques, Puerto Rico. UXO 13 fue utilizado anteriormente por la Marina para ejercicios de adiestramiento relacionados con fuego de armas pequeñas, fuego de artillería y tanques, y adiestramiento de ingeniería de combate. Esta área continúa siendo administrada como refugio de vida silvestre por el USFWS.

Una versión electrónica del Plan de Trabajo de la TCRA está disponible para el público en la página principal del sitio web de la Marina ( Cualquier pregunta sobre la TCRA puede dirigirse a: Kevin Cloe o Maria Danois



Public Notice Update: Upcoming work at Mosquito Pier and Causeway end date has been extended until end of February 2025. As a reminder, this work is in support the Municipality of Vieques plans for public use of the Mosquito Pier and Causeway. For additional information please review the attached public notice.

At all times during the investigation, the vast majority of the pier and causeway will remain open.

During this time, the Navy asks the public to cooperate with requests by the safety boat to maintain a safe distance of at least 100 feet from the divers performing the work.

For more information please contact: NAVFAC Atlantic Public Affairs and Communications Office:
Phone: (757) 322-8005


Actualización del Aviso Publico: La fecha de finalización del próximos trabajos del muelle Mosquito y del rompeolas a sido extendida hasta finales de febrero de 2025. Como recordatorio, este trabajo se esta llevando a cabo con el fin de apoyar los planes del Municipio de Vieques para el uso publico del muelle Mosquito y del rompeolas. Para mas información por favor de ver el aviso publico anejo.

En todo momento durante la investigación, la gran mayoría del muelle y del rompeolas permanecerán abiertos.

Durante este tiempo, la Marina pide al público que coopere con las solicitudes del bote de seguridad de mantener una distancia segura de al menos 100 pies de los buzos que realizan el trabajo.

Para más información, comuníquese con la: Oficina de Asuntos Públicos y Comunicaciones de NAVFAC Atlantic:
Correo electrónico:
Teléfono: (757) 322-8005

RAB Retreat/Retiro del RAB (In-person only/En persona)
Date/Fecha: Wednesday, February 12, 2025/Miércoles, 12 de febrero de 2025
Time/Hora: 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM (AST)
Location/Lugar: Multiple Use Center, Vieques - Across from the Public Square in Isabel Segunda, Vieques, PR

RAB Meeting #76 (In-Person and Virtual/presencial y virtual)
Date/Fecha: Wednesday, February 12, 2025
Time/Hora: 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM (AST)
Location/Lugar: Multiple Use Center, Vieques - Across from the Public Square in Isabel Segunda, Vieques, PR
- Meeting ID/De la Reunión: 269 384 892 160
- Passcode/Código de acceso: Sy3Pu23C
- Call-in/No. de Teléfono: +1 469-214-8538
- Conference ID/De la Conferencia: 964 391 743#

RAB Meeting #75
November 13, 2024
RAB Meeting Minutes - coming soon

RAB Meeting #73
May 8, 2024
RAB Meeting Presentation

RAB Meeting #71
November 8, 2023
RAB Meeting Presentation
RAB Meeting Poster Handouts

RAB Meeting #70
August 9, 2023
RAB Meeting Presentation
RAB Meeting Minutes

Restoration Advisory Board Site Visit/Visita al Sitio para miembros del RAB
May 10, 2023 / 10 de mayo de 2023
RAB Site Visit Registration Information, and Map / Información sobre la visita del sitio y mapa

RAB Meeting #68
Tuesday, February 21, 2023
RAB Meeting Presentation
RAB Meeting Minutes

Public Comment Period for Proposed Remedial Action Plan for UXO 16.1
November 9, 2022 - December 9, 2022 
Written Comment Card 

Public Comment Period for Draft Final Site Management Plan FY2023
November 11, 2022 - December 10, 2022 
Draft Final Site Management Plan FY2023 

Public Meeting - Proposed Remedial Action Plan for UXO 16.1
November 16, 2022
UXO 16.1 Proposed Remedial Action Plan | Plan Propuesto Para la Acción de Remediación de UXO 16.1

Restoration Advisory Board Site Visit
November 16, 2022
RAB Site Visit Information, Agenda, and Map

RAB Meeting #66
August 23, 2022

Virtual Public Meeting - Proposed Plan for UXO 17, PAOC EE
June 1, 2022 
UXO-17 PRAP (English)  |  UXO-17 PRAP (Spanish)

RAB Meeting #65
June 1, 2022
RAB Meeting Presentation
RAB Meeting Minutes

RAB Meeting #64
February 2, 2022
RAB Meeting Presentation
RAB Meeting Minutes

RAB Meeting #63
August 4, 2021
RAB Meeting Presentation
RAB Meeting Minutes (English) | RAB Meeting Minutes (Spanish)

RAB Meeting #62
February 17, 2021
RAB Meeting Presentation
RAB Meeting Minutes (English) | RAB Meeting Minutes (Spanish)


For older RAB Meeting Minutes and Presentations, please visit the Community Outreach page of this website.


Welcome to the website of the Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command Atlantic (NAVFAC Atlantic) for the former Vieques Naval Installation. The former Vieques Naval installation is a 23,000-acre facility located on Vieques Island, which is located off the southeast coast of the mainland of Puerto Rico.

The island was used for military training for members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. From the mid-1940s until 2003, more than 300,000 munitions items were fired during military training operations, including naval gunfire, air-to-ground bombing, and marine artillery fire. It is estimated that up to 9,000 acres of the property may contain munitions and munitions-related items.

It is important to the Navy that community members have access to accurate and timely information about the actions NAVFAC Atlantic in coordination with its agency partners is taking to implement the Environmental Restoration Program. The Navy is committed to protecting public health and the environment. This website is one of the ways the community can learn about environmental restoration activities on Vieques and participate in the decision-making process.

Fact Sheets

Click on a document link below to view fact sheets with important information and answers to frequently asked questions about the munitions cleanup in Vieques.

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