WOSB Directory
This is a compilation of information voluntarily submitted by Woman-Owned Small Businesses (WOSB) and may be used by NAVFAC Contracting Officers for market research purposes or prime contractors for WOSB subcontracting opportunities. It is not a preferred vendor list.
Please email NAVFACOSBP@navy.mil to be included on this list, or to provide updated information.
~~Updated September 2024~~
This is list a compilation of information voluntarily submitted by Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Businesses (SDVOSB) and may be used by NAVFAC Contracting Officers for market research purposes or by prime contractors for SDVOSB subcontracting opportunities. It is not a preferred vendor list.
Please email NAVFACOSBP@navy.mil to be included on this list, or to provide updated information.
~~Updated September 2024~~
HUBZone Directory
This is a new directory started to assist Historically Underutilized Business Zone (HUBZone) businesses. It is a compilation of information voluntarily submitted by HUBZone businesses and can be used by NAVFAC Contracting Officers for market research purposes or prime contractors for HUBZone subcontracting opportunities. It is not a preferred vendor list.
Please email NAVFACOSBP@navy.mil to be included on this list, or to provide updated information.
~~Updated September 2024~~