Site 10 (formerly designated as Site Production Well A [PWA]) is an 8-acre area located in the south-central area of the developed portion of Plant 1 at ABL. The site consists of the area that includes a former trichloroethene (TCE) still adjacent to Building 157, referred to as former PWA, and former Production Well C.
Previous investigations identified impacts to groundwater attributed to historic activities at Building 157 that involved distillation of used degreasing solvents from the former TCE still that operated adjacent to the Building during 1959 and the early-1960s. Because volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were detected in the PWA well as early as 1980, the use of PWA as a water source was discontinued.
Site 10 is being managed as two separate Operable Units (OUs). An Interim Record of Decision (ROD) for Site 10 groundwater (OU-5) was signed in August 1998. A No Further Action ROD was signed for Site 10 soil (OU-6) in 2007.
The selected interim remedy for Site 10 groundwater was “hot-spot” groundwater extraction with subsequent treatment and discharge of treated water to the river. A treatment facility was designed and constructed near Site 1 to remove hazardous constituents from the extracted groundwater. The implementation of the interim remedial action at Site 10, which initially included three extraction wells connected to the Site 1 treatment plant, was completed in February 1999. Subsequent to the implementation of the interim remedial action, aquifer testing and modeling indicated the need for additional extraction wells at Site 10for the bedrock aquifer to adequately contain impacted groundwater. These changes to the extraction system were implemented in February 2003. This expanded groundwater extraction system was documented as the remedy for Site 10 groundwater in a ROD signed in September 2005. Long-term monitoring, including groundwater sampling, and land use controls (LUCs) to prevent exposure to unacceptable exposure to groundwater are ongoing.
A Vapor Intrusion (VI) investigation was initiated in 2016. Several rounds of VI sampling have been conducted at select buildings at the site to assess VI, the most recent of which occurred in 2022. The results of the investigation indicated potential future unacceptable risks associated with the VI pathway. Therefore, the Navy intends to modify the LUCs to address the VI pathway.
During the 2016 VI investigation, two basement sumps were identified in the occupied portion of one of the site buildings. These sumps are used to prevent basement flooding through redirection of groundwater seepage to a nearby surface drainage. In 2017, the sump water (groundwater) and water and sediment in the drainage ditch downstream from the building were sampled for tetrachloroethene and TCE. While the risk screening concluded these data pose no unacceptable risks to human health or the environment, the ROD specifies that groundwater will be used for environmental monitoring and extraction purposes only so an Explanation of Significant Differences was finalized in 2019 to allow an exception for the groundwater to be pumped from the sump in the basement of the building.
The fifth Five-Year Review for Allegany Ballistics Laboratory, finalized in 2018, recommended improvement to the existing groundwater remediation system effectiveness. An investigation was completed in 2019 to refine the extents of the VOC plumes at the site and a pilot study began in July 2020 to evaluate the groundwater VOC plume while the extraction system was shut down. The pilot test was completed in 2022, and the results are being evaluated. Future optimization strategies will be discussed to evaluate potential remedial alternatives at the site. The extraction system remains shut down until the path forward is determined.
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) were detected at concentrations above United States Environmental Protection Agency Regional Screening Levels in groundwater at Site 10 during a facility-wide Site Inspection conducted for PFAS. The PFAS Site Inspection Report, finalized in December 2023, recommended a Remedial Investigation to further investigate PFAS impacts at the site.
Detailed information from previous investigations conducted at Site 10 is available in the Administrative Record.