NAVFAC HQ OOC provides legal advice and services in support of all NAVFAC missions. OOC is staffed by Navy Office of the General Counsel civilian attorneys committed to developing innovative legal solutions to challenges facing the Navy and Marine Corps. OOC conducts all litigation for the command either directly through assigned NAVFAC counsel or indirectly by coordinating with the Navy Litigation Office or the Department of Justice. Direct cases include Government Accountability Office and Federal Court bid protests, Merit Systems Protection Board appeals, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission appeals, certain Armed Services Board of Contract Appeals cases and rate issues before various State Public Utilities Commissions. OOC supports the command and the Navy providing legal expertise and advice in multiple practice areas including: acquisition/contracts, fiscal, EV, civilian personnel, Freedom of Information Act, real estate, utilities, Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC), Public/Private Ventures (PPV), international law, and ethics.