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Site 1 - Camp Allen Landfill
The Camp Allen Landfill (CALF) includes two distinct areas (Area A, the 45‐acre landfill, and Area B, the 2‐acre fire disposal area) located within Naval Support Activity (NSA) Hampton Roads. The Area A landfill, which operated from the mid‐1940s until approximately 1974, was used for the disposal of metal plating and parts cleaning sludge, paint‐stripping residue, various chlorinated organic solvents, overage chemicals, pesticides, asbestos, incinerator ash, fly and bottom ash from the base power plant, and miscellaneous debris. Wastes from a fire at Camp Allen Salvage Yard (CASY) (Site 22), including drums containing various chemicals, were buried in 1971 in trenches at Area B.
The primary contaminants found in all media at the site are volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Areas of inorganic contamination in surface water and sediments in the surrounding drainage ditches and in the onsite pond were also identified. Groundwater contamination was found in both the Columbia aquifer (the shallow, water table aquifer) and the Yorktown aquifer (the deep groundwater aquifer) in Areas A and B.
In November 1998, a groundwater extraction and treatment system, which extracts groundwater from extraction wells installed at the western perimeter of Area A and from Area B, began operating and continues operating today. In addition, land use controls (LUCs) to prohibit residential land use , the use of groundwater for any purpose other than environmental monitoring, and maintaining the existing soil cover and fencing were implemented.
Biennial long‐term monitoring (LTM) of groundwater and quarterly LUC inspections are performed to ensure the remedy is protective. In addition, a Remediation Optimization Investigation is currently being conducted to further characterize contaminant plume migration and to evaluate additional remedial alternatives to expedite the reduction of VOC concentrations in groundwater.
The Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Preliminary Assessment (PA) identified Site 1 as a potential PFAS release area and recommended additional investigation. Additional investigation is planned to evaluate the nature and extent of PFAS.

Site 2 ‐ Naval Magazine Slag Pile
The Naval Magazine (NM) Slag Pile is a 1‐acre disposal area for slag generated by an aluminum smelting operation during the 1950s and 1960s. The slag is a residual cinder material formed from fusion rocks such as limestone with impurities from the aluminum ore and ash from the blast furnace fuel. To create a level surface upon which the slag could be deposited, fly ash and/or bottom ash (derived from coal burning operations elsewhere at NSN) were also used as fill material at the site. During the smelting operation, the slag pile area was defined by a lack of vegetation around the site near the slag pile. The site surface has since been regraded and vegetation planted.
The 1998 remedial investigation (RI) conducted at the site concluded that the disposal activities had impacted the groundwater and soil at the site, as well as sediment and surface water in the adjacent drainage channel. In correlation with the type of material disposed at the site, the primary contaminants consist of metals including arsenic, antimony, cadmium, chromium, copper, iron, lead, nickel, silver, and zinc.
To address the impacts to soil and sediment, approximately 2,000 cubic yards (yd3) of sediment were removed in November 1999. Subsequent to the removal action, an asphalt and soil cover was placed over the site. In addition, LUCs to prohibit disturbance of the soil or asphalt cover, use of groundwater for drinking water, and any activity that would disturb the soil or asphalt cover were implemented.
LTM of groundwater is conducted every five years and quarterly LUC inspections are performed at Site 2 to ensure the protectiveness of the remedy.

Site 3 - Q‐Area Drum Storage Yard
The Q‐Area Drum Storage Yard (QADSY) was previously a compound that occupied approximately 5 acres in the northwest corner of the NSN near the carrier piers. This area of the NSN was created by dredging operations in the early 1950s as the base expanded in area. The QADSY was an open earthen yard that was used from the 1950s until the late 1980s to store tens of thousands of drums. Most of the drums contained new petroleum products, various chlorinated organic solvents, paint thinners, and pesticides. Previous investigations showed dark stains on the soil and oil‐saturated soil throughout the storage yard, indicating past spills. The northern portion of the yard, which was used to store leaking or damaged drums and hazardous materials, was particularly stained.
In 1986, Navy fire inspectors expressed concern with the oil‐saturated soils at the northern end of the storage area (previously used to store damaged or leaking drums). Based on a potential fire hazard, the top 6 inches of soil were excavated from an area of 4,240 square yards (totaling approximately 750 yd3 of soil removed) in the northern section and disposed offsite in 1987. Following the removal action, this area of the storage yard was paved.
During investigation activities, groundwater at the site was found to be impacted by VOCs. To address the impacts, two air sparge (AS)/soil vapor extraction (SVE) systems were installed and LUCs prohibiting the residential development of the site and the use of groundwater as a potable water source were implemented. The AS/SVE operated from 1998 until 2013 when the Team determined that the effectiveness of the system was limited. Annual LTM of groundwater and quarterly LUC inspections are performed to ensure the remedy is protective.
The PFAS Preliminary Assessment PA identified Site 3 as a potential PFAS release area and recommended additional investigation. During the Site Inspection PFAS were detected in groundwater and a Remedial Investigation was recommended. Investigation activities were performed in FY 2022 and results will be finalized and reported in early FY 2024.

Site 6 - CD Landfill
The Construction Debris (CD) Landfill occupies approximately 22 acres and is located just east of Hampton Boulevard and south of the Naval Exchange. The site incorporates two areas of landfilling operations—the easternmost (unpermitted) section and the western (permitted) section. The unpermitted portion of the landfill operated from 1974 to 1979 and was used for demolition debris and inert solid waste, fly ash, and incinerator residue.
In October 1979, NAVFAC received a permit from the Virginia Department of Health to use the landfill (western portion) for disposal of demolition debris and other non‐putrescible wastes, excluding fly ash, incinerator residues, chemicals, and asbestos. Blasting grit used for sandblasting cadmium‐plated aircraft parts was deposited at the landfill until 1981, when the blasting grit was tested and found to exceed the USEPA Extraction Procedure toxicity limit for cadmium. The grit was classified as a hazardous waste and onsite disposal of the material ceased. Landfilling operations continued in the western portion of the site until 1987.
Environmental investigations identified potential risks associated with contaminants in the soil, sediments, and groundwater (including surface water). To address the impacts, a sediment removal action was completed at the drainage north of the landfill and a landfill cap was constructed over the landfill and a portion of the drainage where the sediment removal action was not completed. In addition, LUCs prohibiting residential development of the site, use of shallow groundwater, public access, and any action that would disturb the integrity of the cap were implemented.
To ensure the remedy is protective, LTM of the groundwater is conducted every five years and quarterly site inspections are completed to assess the enforcement of the LUCs.

Site 18 ‐ Former Naval Magazine Waste Storage Area
The Former Naval Magazine (NM) Waste Storage Area is in the southeastern corner of NSN and was used from 1975 to 1979 to store drums of hazardous waste, consisting of waste oil, metal plating solutions and sludges, chlorinated organic acids (including TCE and 1,1,1‐trichloroethane), and paint stripping solutions. Spillage of waste oil and hazardous wastes occurred in this area. A pit was excavated, and an existing drainage ditch was widened and lengthened to channel waste oil and contaminated runoff into an unlined pit. Oil and contaminated water were periodically pumped from the pit and transported to a wastewater treatment plant. Initial site investigations identified elevated VOC concentrations in groundwater and determined that there was evidence for biodegradation of TCE at Site 18. An interim groundwater remedial action, was completed in 2008 to remediate VOCs in groundwater via enhanced reductive dechlorination. Following completion of the associated performance monitoring, an additional remedial action was completed in 2010 to further encourage reduction of VOCs in groundwater. Additional performance monitoring indicated that VOCs in groundwater were significantly reduced as a result of the remedial actions. In addition, LUCs to prohibit digging and withdrawal of groundwater were implemented. LTM of groundwater is conducted annually to monitor the natural attenuation of VOCs in groundwater, and LUCs are inspected on a quarterly basis to assess the effectiveness of LUCs.
The PFAS PA identified Site 18 as a potential PFAS release area and recommended additional investigation. During the Site Inspection PFAS were detected in groundwater and a Remedial Investigation was recommended. Investigation activities were performed in FY 2022 and results will be finalized and reported in early FY 2024.

Site 20 - Building LP‐20
Building LP‐20 is one of many large buildings located northwest of Chambers Field. Currently, the building primarily houses the Public Works Command’s Transportation Department. In the past, a portion of the building was used for aircraft engine overhaul and maintenance. Previous activities at the building included painting, X‐ray facilities, cleaning and blasting, and a metal‐plating operation. Waste products generated from these activities were transferred to the industrial wastewater treatment plant via underground piping. In addition, a large fuel storage area is also located south of the building. An underground pipeline extends from the Fuel Farm to buildings LP‐78 and LP‐176, located east of the site. Between the 1940s and 1990s, numerous spills or releases of wastewater and petroleum have been documented. Significant releases were associated with damage to underground wastewater lines during construction activities, and leakage of the underground petroleum pipeline.
Investigations at the site began in 1986 following a release of Jet Propulsion‐5 fuel from the underground pipeline. Since 1986, numerous investigations have been conducted to evaluate the extent of releases from underground fuel pipelines, the industrial wastewater line, and various USTs at the site. These investigations indicated that VOCs are the primary contaminants detected in the area. Specifically, chlorinated VOCs were detected near LP‐20 and LP‐26. To address the chlorinated VOCs in groundwater, an AS/SVE system was installed to prevent migration of the plume and to reduce the VOC concentrations in groundwater to established cleanup goals. In addition, LUCs to prohibit the use of groundwater and ensure concrete and pavement are maintained to minimize exposure to soil were implemented. In 2010, a groundwater extraction systems was installed to enhance the AS/SVE. Shortly after construction of the groundwater extraction system, fouling within the system caused significant maintenance issues which led to its shut down. Shortly thereafter in 2013, the AS/SVE system was shut down due to limited effectiveness. LTM of groundwater is conducted annually to monitor the VOCs in groundwater and LUCs are inspected on a quarterly basis to assess the effectiveness of LUCs. Following shut down of the AS/SVE system, pilot testing of replacement alternatives began and are planned to continue through 2024.
The PFAS PA identified Site 20 as a potential PFAS release area and recommended additional investigation. Additional investigation will be conducted in the future to evaluate the nature and extent of PFAS.

Site 22 - Camp Allen Salvage Yard
The CASY operated from the 1940s until 1995, salvaging and processing scrap materials generated at NSN. The CASY is located between Area A and Area B of the CALF (Site 1). The CASY activities have included storage and management of waste oils, used chemicals, and scrap industrial and commercial equipment, metal smelting, various recycling activities, and miscellaneous burning. In addition, the facility was used to store acids, paint thinners, solvents, pesticides, and transformers. A polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) spill occurred at the CASY in 1989, when a transformer was damaged by a forklift. The Public Works Center responded to the spill and conducted a preliminary cleanup at that time. When operations ceased in 1995, the buildings, incinerators, and rail lines were demolished.
Investigation activities found soil at Site 22 to be impacted by semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs), pesticides, PCBs and metals and the sediment in the storm drains and pond adjacent to the site to be impacted by similar constituents. To address the impacts, the initial remedial action at CASY consisted of offsite disposal of metals‐ and PCB-contaminated soils. A PCB removal action began in August of 1998. Additional delineation of site contaminants in 2001 identified six metals hotpots throughout the site. As an interim measure, the Navy began removal of the hotspot soils in conjunction with the ongoing PCB removal action. The hotspot and PCB‐contaminated soil removal continued through 2001, with a total of more than 16,000 yd3 of material. Additional soil analytical data showed that the aerial extent of metals contamination was more widespread than previously estimated. It was estimated that approximately 29,000 yd3 of soil remained at the site above the metals cleanup goals. The Navy determined that the placement of a soil cover was more cost‐effective than removal of the metals‐contaminated soils, and the Partnering Team reached consensus on this course of action in March 2002.
In 2003, sediment was removed from the pond area and a soil cover for the sediments in the pond were completed in June 2004. Following completion of the removal actions, LUCs were implemented to prohibit to the development of the property for residential, childcare, or schools, ensure no construction or maintenance activities occur, and ensure no work on the storm drainage system around the pond occurs. To ensure the remedy remains protective quarterly site inspections are performed to assess the integrity of the cover and enforcement of the LUCs.
The PFAS PA identified Site 22 as a potential PFAS release area and recommended additional investigation. Additional investigation is planned for FY 2024.

Site 23 - LP‐20 Plating Shop
Site 23, the former LP‐20 Plating Shop, is located on the west side of Building LP-20. The plating shop contained seven process pits that extended beneath the concrete floor and were used for cleaning, stripping, and plating engine parts. The concrete floor of the shop and the pits were lined with corrosion resistant brick tiles. Underground pipes carried rinse water from the metal-plating activities to the industrial wastewater treatment plant. Investigation activities found VOCs, SVOCs, and metals in soil above applicable screening criteria. A removal action was completed to remove impacted soil, debris, and brick tiling from the plating shop. The pits were backfilled with flowable fill and covered with concrete and an impermeable sealant. Following completion of the removal action, LUCs were implemented to prohibit residential use of the area surrounding Site 23 and activities that interfere with or compromise the integrity of the concrete cover. To ensure the remedy remains protective, quarterly site inspections are performed to assess the integrity of the cover and enforcement of the LUCs.

Solid Waste Management Unit (SWMU) 14 - Q‐50 Satellite Accumulation Area
The Q‐50 Satellite Accumulation Area is located in the northeast corner of NSN. SWMU 14 consisted of a concrete storage pad surrounded by a grass‐covered field. The pad served as a 90‐day hazardous waste accumulation area where wastes generated through various waste streams were processed (sampled, identified, labeled, and packaged) before being shipped for eventual disposal. The original concrete pad for the accumulation area has since been removed.
RI activities identified potential unacceptable risk to human health from exposure to soil. To address the potential unacceptable risk, an asphalt cover was constructed over SWMU 14 and LUCs were implemented to prohibit digging or disturbance of the asphalt cover and recreational or residential use of the site. To ensure the remedy remains protective, quarterly site inspections are performed to assess the integrity of the cover and enforcement of the LUCs.