Former Diesel Fuel Fill Pipe Area
AOC A is the location of a former 15,000-gallon diesel UST and associated fuel fill pipe at Observation Post 1 (OP-1) in the former SIA (Figure 3). The UST and fuel fill pipe entered service in approximately 1978 and were removed, along with some surrounding soil, in 1997. A new UST was installed in 1997 but was removed in 2003 in response to the closure of the VNTR and transfer of the property to the DOI. Based on historical data associated with the UST removals in 1997 and 2003, additional soil excavation and sampling were conducted during an Expanded Site Inspection in 2009. Evaluation of the data collected in 2009 determined the average concentrations of diesel-related contamination in soil were below the Puerto Rico Land Pollution Control Corrective Action Level. Therefore, the site was included in a No Action/No Further Action Decision Document issued in 2010.
No Action/No Further Action Decision Document 7 Consent Order Sites and 14 PI/PAOC Sites, September 2010
Former Rock Quarry
AOC F is a former rock quarry just southeast of Camp Garcia (Figure 4). This rock quarry was used by the Navy to obtain gravel for roads and other construction projects. However, during a 1995 site visit, used tires and some paper waste were visible at this location. Therefore, a Phase I Environmental Assessment was conducted in 2000 to determine if there had been contaminant releases at the site; it was noted during the investigation that the tires and paper waste had been removed. In addition, rock samples to be used for road repair were collected in 2007. Evaluation of data collected during these investigations indicated there had not been a contaminant release at AOC F. Therefore, the site was included in a No Action Decision Document issued in 2009.
No Action Decision Document for 4 Consent Order Sites and 6 PI/PAOC Sites, January 2009
Former Power Plant and Mechanics Shop
PAOC I is a former power plant and mechanics shop (Building 401) at Camp Garcia (Figure 4). Neither site visits conducted in 2001, 2002, 2007, and 2009 nor records evaluation found evidence of hazardous waste, hazardous material, petroleum, or munitions storage or disposal at the site. However, a Site Inspection was conducted in 2009 to determine if there had been contaminant releases at the site. Evaluation of data collected during this investigation indicated there had not been a contaminant release that resulted in soil contamination that poses unacceptable risks to human health or the environment. Therefore, the site was included in a No Action/No Further Action Decision Document issued in 2010.
No Action/No Further Action Decision Document 7 Consent Order Sites and 14 PI/PAOC Sites, September 2010
Former Vehicle Maintenance Area
PAOC J is a former vehicle maintenance area at Camp Garcia immediately north of the main road (all structures were demolished prior to 1980) (Figure 4). Neither site visits conducted in 2002 and 2006 nor records evaluation found evidence of hazardous waste, hazardous material, petroleum, or munitions storage, disposal, or releases at the site. However, a Site Inspection and Expanded Site Inspection were conducted in 2006 and 2009, respectively, to determine if there had been contaminant releases at the site. Evaluation of data collected during these investigations indicated there had not been a contaminant release that resulted in soil or groundwater contamination that poses unacceptable risks to human health or the environment. Therefore, the site was included in a No Action/No Further Action Decision Document issued in 2010.
No Action/No Further Action Decision Document 7 Consent Order Sites and 14 PI/PAOC Sites, September 2010
Former Wash Rack
PAOC K is a former wash rack area at Camp Garcia north of main road (structure demolished prior to 1980) (Figure 4). Neither site visits conducted in 2002 and 2006 nor records evaluation found evidence of hazardous waste, hazardous material, petroleum, or munitions storage, disposal, or releases at the site. However, a Site Inspection and Expanded Site Inspection were conducted in 2006 and 2009, respectively, to determine if there had been contaminant releases at the site. Evaluation of data collected during these investigations indicated there had not been a contaminant release that resulted in soil or groundwater contamination that poses unacceptable risks to human health or the environment. Therefore, the site was included in a No Action/No Further Action Decision Document issued in 2010.
No Action/No Further Action Decision Document 7 Consent Order Sites and 14 PI/PAOC Sites, September 2010
Former Paint and Transformer Storage Area
PAOC L is a small (11 ft x 13 ft) former paint and transformer storage building at Camp Garcia (Figure 4). While there was no observable evidence of a release during historical site visits, a Site Inspection was performed due to past storage of paints and transformers. Because elevated levels of pesticides potentially associated with the storage of chemicals in the building were detected just outside the building, soil around the building potentially impacted by pesticide releases was removed and confirmatory soil and groundwater samples collected during the 2009 Expanded Site Inspection.
Evaluation of the confirmatory data demonstrated the pesticide concentrations potentially attributable to a release had been removed and that the residual concentrations were consistent with the concentrations attributable to normal pesticide use. Therefore, the site was included in a No Action/No Further Action Decision Document issued in 2010.
No Action/No Further Action Decision Document 7 Consent Order Sites and 14 PI/PAOC Sites, September 2010
Former Fuel Facility
PAOC M is a former Camp Garcia dispatch office, fuel facility, and sleeping quarters (Figure 4). The facility was constructed in 1986 and demolished in 1991. Neither site visits conducted in 2002 and 2009 nor records evaluation found evidence of hazardous waste, hazardous material, petroleum, or munitions storage, disposal, or releases at the site. However, a Site Inspection was conducted in 2009 to determine if there had been contaminant releases at the site; the data gathered indicated there had not been a contaminant release. Therefore, the site was included in a No Action/No Further Action Decision Document issued in 2010.
No Action/No Further Action Decision Document 7 Consent Order Sites and 14 PI/PAOC Sites, September 2010
Former Fuel Farm and Filling Station
PAOC N is a former fuel farm and filling station at Camp Garcia (Figure 4). The fuel farm and filling station were constructed in 1985 and demolished 1992. Neither site visits conducted in 2002 and 2009 nor records evaluation found evidence of hazardous waste, hazardous material, petroleum, or munitions storage, disposal, or releases at the site. However, a Site Inspection was conducted in 2009 to determine if there had been contaminant releases at the site. Evaluation of data collected during the investigation indicated there had not been a contaminant release that resulted in soil or groundwater contamination that poses unacceptable risks to human health or the environment. Therefore, the site was included in a No Action/No Further Action Decision Document issued in 2010.
No Action/No Further Action Decision Document 7 Consent Order Sites and 14 PI/PAOC Sites, September 2010
Former Boiler Room in Heat Plant Building 238
PAOC O is a former boiler room in Camp Garcia heat plant Building 238, which was constructed in 1953 and demolished in 1989 (Figure 4). Neither site visits conducted in 2002 and 2009 nor records evaluation found evidence of hazardous waste, hazardous material, petroleum, or munitions storage, disposal, or releases at the site. However, a Site Inspection was conducted in 2009 to determine if there had been contaminant releases at the site. Evaluation of data collected during the investigation indicated there had not been a contaminant release that resulted in soil contamination that poses unacceptable risks to human health or the environment. Therefore, the site was included in a No Action/No Further Action Decision Document issued in 2010.
No Action/No Further Action Decision Document 7 Consent Order Sites and 14 PI/PAOC Sites, September 2010
Former Water Treatment Pumphouse
PAOC P is a former water treatment facility pump house in Camp Garcia Building 500, which was constructed in 1953 and demolished in 1989 (Figure 4). Neither site visits conducted in 2002 and 2009 nor records evaluation found evidence of hazardous waste, hazardous material, petroleum, or munitions storage, disposal, or releases at the site. However, a Site Inspection was conducted in 2009 to determine if there had been contaminant releases at the site. Evaluation of data collected during the investigation indicated there had not been a contaminant release that resulted in soil contamination that poses unacceptable risks to human health or the environment. Therefore, the site was included in a No Action/No Further Action Decision Document issued in 2010.
No Action/No Further Action Decision Document 7 Consent Order Sites and 14 PI/PAOC Sites, September 2010
Former Boiler Rooms in Heat Plant Buildings 607 and 617
PAOC Q is a former boiler house in Camp Garcia heat plant Building 607, which was constructed in 1963 and demolished in 1984 (Figure 4). PAOC R is a former boiler house in Camp Garcia heat plant Building 617, which was constructed in 1970 and demolished 1984 (Figure 4). Although no evidence of hazardous waste, hazardous material, petroleum, or munitions storage or disposal was identified during site visits or historical records evaluation, a Site Inspection and Supplemental Site Inspection were conducted in 2009 and 2010, respectively, to determine if there had been contaminant releases at the sites. Evaluation of data collected during the investigation indicated there had not been a contaminant release that resulted in soil contamination that poses unacceptable risks to human health or the environment. Therefore, the sites were included in a No Action/No Further Action Decision Document issued in 2011.
PI 7 and PAOCs Q and R No Action/No Further Action Decision Document, September 2011
Former POL Pipeline and Power Plant
PAOC S includes the location of a former above-ground petroleum, oil, and lubricant (POL) pipeline that ran from the aboveground fuel tanks at the Former Fuels Off-loading Site (SWMU 2) to an area south of Camp Garcia where there was a valve used to fill fuel trucks (Figure 4). PAOC S also includes a former Camp Garcia power plant that had no direct relationship to the pipeline. Neither site visits conducted in 2002 and 2009 nor records evaluation found evidence of hazardous waste, hazardous material, petroleum, or munitions storage, disposal, or releases at the site. However, a Site Inspection was conducted in 2009 to determine if there had been contaminant releases at the site. Evaluation of data collected during the investigation indicated there had not been a contaminant release that resulted in soil or groundwater contamination that poses unacceptable risks to human health or the environment. In addition, a geophysical survey found no evidence of a buried pipeline or underground storage tank at the former power plant. Therefore, the site was included in a No Action/No Further Action Decision Document issued in 2010.
No Action/No Further Action Decision Document 7 Consent Order Sites and 14 PI/PAOC Sites, September 2010
Former Public Works Grounds Contractor Storage Shed and Mechanics Shop
PAOC T is a former public works grounds contractor storage shed at Camp Garcia (Figure 4). The building (Building 305) was constructed in 1975 and demolished in 1991. Neither site visits conducted in 2002 and 2006 nor records evaluation found evidence of hazardous waste, hazardous material, petroleum, or munitions storage, disposal, or releases at the site.
However, a Site Inspection was conducted in 2006 to determine if there had been contaminant releases at the site. Evaluation of data collected during the investigation indicated there had not been a contaminant release that resulted in soil or groundwater contamination that poses unacceptable risks to human health or the environment. Therefore, the site was included in a No Action Decision Document issued in 2009.
No Action Decision Document for 4 Consent Order Sites and 6 PI/PAOC Sites, January 2009
Former Vehicle Maintenance Area
PAOC U is a former vehicle maintenance area just north of former Building 303 at Camp Garcia (Figure 4). Historic storage of hazardous waste, hazardous material, and petroleum products occurred at PAOC U and some minor staining was observed on the ground during a site visit. Based on this, a Site Inspection was conducted in 2006 to determine if there had been contaminant releases at the site. Evaluation of data collected during the investigation indicated there had not been a contaminant release that resulted in soil or groundwater contamination that poses unacceptable risks to human health or the environment. Therefore, the site was included in a No Action Decision Document issued in 2009.
No Action Decision Document for 4 Consent Order Sites and 6 PI/PAOC Sites, January 2009
Former Leaking Transformer Storage Area
PAOC V is the former storage area for a leaking transformer at Camp Garcia (Figure 4). Based on observations made in 2002 that the transformer was leaking, soil samples were collected to characterize the site and the transformer was subsequently removed. Evaluation of data collected during the investigation indicated there had not been a contaminant release that resulted in soil contamination that poses unacceptable risks to human health or the environment. In addition, the contaminant source was removed. Therefore, the site was included in a No Action Decision Document issued in 2009.
No Action Decision Document for 4 Consent Order Sites and 6 PI/PAOC Sites, January 2009
Former Area of Stagnant, Discolored Water
PAOC W is a former area of pooled, discolored water adjacent to the bridge across the southern end of Laguna La Chiva (Figure 4). Site visits found no evidence of hazardous waste, hazardous material, petroleum, or munitions storage or disposal. In addition, a Mangrove Forest Health and Status Report determined that the discolored water was likely due to increased organic matter caused by the road crossing the lagoon cutting off normal water circulation with the sea. Based on this information, the site was included in a No Action Decision Document issued in 2009.
No Action Decision Document for 4 Consent Order Sites and 6 PI/PAOC Sites, January 2009
Former Debris Area in Ephemeral Stream
PAOC X is the former location of debris within and adjacent to an ephemeral stream located north of the main road into the Vieques National Wildlife Refuge and west of Camp Garcia (Figure 4). PAOC X formerly contained an automobile body, tires, scrap metal, and construction-related solid waste and debris. Based on this information, the site was investigated during the Environmental Baseline Survey and Site Inspection in 2002 and 2009, respectively, to determine if there had been contaminant releases at the site. In addition, the debris in and adjacent to the ephemeral stream was removed during the Site Inspection. Evaluation of the data collected during the Environmental Baseline Survey and Site Inspection indicated there had not been a contaminant release that resulted in soil contamination that poses unacceptable risks to human health or the environment. In addition, the contaminant source was removed. Therefore, the site was included in a No Action/No Further Action Decision Document issued in 2010.
No Action/No Further Action Decision Document 7 Consent Order Sites and 14 PI/PAOC Sites, September 2010
PI 6
Former PCB Storage Pad and Vehicle Wash Pad
PI 6 (Figure 4) was a probable water treatment plant with a large fresh water impoundment, vehicle wash pad, and concrete pad potentially used to store PCBs. Additionally, PI 6 was historically a bivouac area for the 65th Infantry Division of the U.S. Marine Corps during training exercises. Based on this information, sampling was conducted during the Environmental Baseline Survey and Site Inspection in 2002 and 2009, respectively, to determine if there had been contaminant releases at the site. Evaluation of data collected during these investigations indicated there had not been a contaminant release that resulted in soil contamination that poses unacceptable risks to human health or the environment. Therefore, the site was included in a No Action/No Further Action Decision Document issued in 2010.
No Action/No Further Action Decision Document 7 Consent Order Sites and 14 PI/PAOC Sites, September 2010
PI 7
Former Quarry, Tar Drum Disposal Area, and Radar Communication Area
PI 7 is located approximately ¼ mile west of Camp Garcia (Figure 4). The central portion of PI 7 was a rock quarry, and the northern portion was a radar communications facility. At the south end of the site, drums containing asphalt were observed. Two drums were also observed in the former quarry. Based on these observations, a Site Inspection and Expanded Site Inspection were conducted in 2006 and 2009, respectively, to determine if there had been contaminant releases at the site. During the Expanded Site Inspection, 174 tar-stained drums, as well as associated tar-stained soil, were excavated and removed from the site. Evaluation of data collected during these investigations indicated existing soil and groundwater constituent concentrations (including those collected after the drums and stained soil were removed) do not pose unacceptable risks to human health or the environment. In addition, the potential sources of contamination were removed. Therefore, the site was included in a No Action/No Further Action Decision Document issued in 2011.
PI 7 and PAOCs Q and R No Action/No Further Action Decision Document, September 2011
PI 8
Former Motor Pool Maintenance Area
PI 8 is located south of the main road into the Vieques National Wildlife Refuge (Figure 4). The site was a motor pool maintenance area, car wash with water production well, oil drum storage and disposal area, drum storage area for asphalt emulsions, and potentially an area for storage of hazardous materials and petroleum products. Based on this information, sampling was conducted during the Environmental Baseline Survey and Site Inspection in 2002 and 2009, respectively, to determine if there had been contaminant releases at the site. Evaluation of data collected during these investigations indicated there had not been a contaminant release that resulted in soil contamination that poses unacceptable risks to human health or the environment. Therefore, the site was included in a No Action/No Further Action Decision Document issued in 2010.
No Action/No Further Action Decision Document 7 Consent Order Sites and 14 PI/PAOC Sites, September 2010
PI 10
Former Wastewater Leach Field
PI 10 is the location of possible former sewage-drying lagoons for a wastewater treatment plant (Figure 4). The site was inactive by 1964, and completely re-vegetated by 1994. Based on the observation of six impoundments possibly containing liquids in aerial photographs, sampling was conducted at the site during the Environmental Baseline Survey and Site Inspection in 2002 and 2009, respectively, to determine if there had been contaminant releases at the site. Evaluation of data collected during these investigations indicated there had not been a contaminant release that resulted in soil contamination that poses unacceptable risks to human health or the environment. Therefore, the site was included in a No Action/No Further Action Decision Document issued in 2010.
No Action/No Further Action Decision Document 7 Consent Order Sites and 14 PI/PAOC Sites, September 2010
PI 11
Former Pump Station for Seawater and Sanitary Wastewater Outfall
PI 11 is a pump house used for the former wastewater treatment system and/or saltwater supply system (pumped from a natural lagoon to Camp Garcia) (Figure 4). During the Environmental Baseline Survey, a diesel engine in a vegetated area adjacent to the station and a stained area immediately under the outfall of an open pipe projecting from the side of the pump house was observed. Based on this, sampling was conducted at the site during the Environmental Baseline Survey in 2002 to determine if there had been contaminant releases at the site. Evaluation of data collected during the investigation indicated there had not been a contaminant release that resulted in soil contamination that poses unacceptable risks to human health or the environment. Therefore, the site was included in a No Action Decision Document issued in 2009.
No Action Decision Document for 4 Consent Order Sites and 6 PI/PAOC Sites, January 2009
PI 20
Former Observation Point and Potential Quarry
PI 20 (Figure 4) is a former observation point used during landing exercises, and potentially as a quarry in the past. Site visits performed in 2001 and 2007 identified no evidence of prior disposal activities or other contamination and noted the site had become a shallow lagoon. Based on this information, the site was included in a No Action Decision Document issued in 2009.
No Action Decision Document for 4 Consent Order Sites and 6 PI/PAOC Sites, January 2009
Former Fuels Off-loading Site
SWMU 2 (Figure 4) is the former location of above-ground storage tanks that stored diesel fuel, unleaded gasoline, aviation gas, and JP-5 jet fuel; the area where fuels were off-loaded from barges; and the area through which an 8-inch fuel line transferred the fuel from the off-loading area to the tanks. These tanks became operational in 1953 and were removed in 1978 and 1979. Because of the historical use of the site, a Phase I RCRA Facility Investigation and Expanded Site Inspection were conducted in 2004 and 2009, respectively, to determine if there had been a fuel-related release at the site.
Evaluation of data collected during these investigations indicated there had not been a contaminant release at SWMU 2 or, if a release occurred, it has not resulted in soil or groundwater contamination that posed unacceptable risks to human health or the environment. Therefore, the site was included in a No Action/No Further Action Decision Document issued in 2010.
No Action/No Further Action Decision Document 7 Consent Order Sites and 14 PI/PAOC Sites, September 2010
Former Waste Areas of Building 303 (Camp Garcia)
The SWMU 4 former waste areas were located at Building 303 within the Camp Garcia compound area (Figure 4) and comprised a spent battery accumulation area, a catch basin for hydraulic oil, a cleaning/degreasing basin, and a storage area for waste rags, absorbent material, and grease. Because of the historical use of the site, a Phase I Environmental Assessment, Phase I RCRA Facility Investigation, and Expanded Site Inspection were conducted in 2000, 2004, and 2009, respectively, to determine if there had been contaminant releases at the site. Evaluation of data collected during these investigations indicated there had not been a contaminant release at SWMU 4 or, if a release occurred, it has not resulted in soil or groundwater contamination that posed unacceptable risks to human health or the environment. Therefore, the site was included in a No Action/No Further Action Decision Document issued in 2010.
No Action/No Further Action Decision Document 7 Consent Order Sites and 14 PI/PAOC Sites, September 2010
Former Spent Battery Accumulation Area at OP-1
SWMU 5 is a former spent battery accumulation area located at OP-1 in the former SIA (Figure 3). The batteries and battery acid were stored outside on a gravel driveway and the acid from the batteries typically was emptied into plastic containers and shipped to the former Naval Station Roosevelt Roads. Although there was no evidence of releases observed during various site visits, no secondary containment was present during part of the operational period of the SWMU, which lasted until 2003. Therefore, a Phase I RCRA Facility Investigation was conducted in 2004 to determine if there had been contaminant releases at the site. Evaluation of data collected during this investigation indicated there had not been a contaminant release at SWMU 5 or, if a release occurred, it has not resulted in soil contamination that posed unacceptable risks to human health or the environment. Therefore, the site was included in a No Action Decision Document issued in 2009.
No Action Decision Document for 4 Consent Order Sites and 6 PI/PAOC Sites, January 2009
SWMUs 6 and 7
Former Waste Oil and Paint Accumulation Areas (Camp Garcia)
SWMUs 6 and 7 are the former waste oil and paint accumulation areas adjacent to former Building 303 at Camp Garcia (Figure 4). Historical information suggests the co-located sites, consisting of a concrete pad, were used to store waste oil and paint from approximately 1978 until at least 1995. Because of the historical use of the site, a Phase I Environmental Assessment and Expanded Site Inspection were conducted in 2000 and 2009, respectively, to determine if there had been contaminant releases at the site. Evaluation of data collected during these investigations indicated there had not been a contaminant release that resulted in soil contamination that poses unacceptable risks to human health or the environment. Therefore, the site was included in a No Action/No Further Action Decision Document issued in 2010..
No Action/No Further Action Decision Document 7 Consent Order Sites and 14 PI/PAOC Sites, September 2010
Former Waste Oil Accumulation Area at OP-1
SWMU 8 is a former waste oil accumulation area located at OP-1 in the former SIA (Figure 3). Between approximately 1978 and 2003, waste oil and lubricants were temporarily stored in drums prior to shipment to the former Naval Station Roosevelt Roads. Because of this historical use of the site and staining observed during a site visit, a Phase I RCRA Facility Investigation was conducted in 2004 to determine if there had been contaminant releases at the site. Evaluation of data collected during this investigation indicated there had not been a contaminant release that resulted in soil contamination that poses unacceptable risks to human health or the environment. Therefore, the site was included in a No Action Decision Document issued in 2009.
No Action Decision Document for 4 Consent Order Sites and 6 PI/PAOC Sites, January 2009
Former Solid Waste Collection Unit Area
SWMU 12 is a former solid waste collection unit area on the access road to OP-1 in the former SIA (Figure 3). Containers used to store solid wastes collected at the site included wooden boxes, wooden trailers, metal dumpsters, and metal cans. The solid waste collection area served as a solid waste storage and transfer area, prior to pickup of the solid waste for disposal at the Vieques Municipal Landfill. Because of this historical use of the site, a Phase I RCRA Facility Investigation was conducted in 2004 to determine if there had been contaminant releases at the site. Evaluation of data collected during this investigation indicated there had not been a contaminant release that resulted in soil contamination that poses unacceptable risks to human health or the environment. Therefore, the site was included in a No Action Decision Document issued in 2009.
No Action Decision Document for 4 Consent Order Sites and 6 PI/PAOC Sites, January 2009