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Former Naval Weapons Industrial Reserve Plant Calverton

Environmental Restoration Program Public Website

The text below contains descriptions of the ERP Sites at NWIRP Calverton grouped by status (Under Investigation, Under Remediation, and No Further Action).

Sites Under Investigation

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Expand List item 714Collapse List item 714  Site 2 - Fire Training Area

Site Description: Site 2 is located on the eastern side of a 9-acre clearing in the south-central portion of the former NWIRP Calverton facility. Prior to a 2008 Removal Action, an 80-foot diameter concrete ring used for fire training and piping associated with an air sparging/soil vapor extraction (AS/SVE) remediation system were located in the southeast corner of the clearing. A 1,000-gallon steel aboveground storage tank (AST) was used to store fuel and was removed in 1996. In addition, a 6,000-gallon storage tank was also removed sometime before 1982. Currently the site consists of a lightly wooded field.

Site History: The Fire Training Area was used by Northrop Grumman (NGC) and Navy crash rescue crews as a training area since 1955, and possibly as early as 1952. According to a 1986 Initial Assessment Study (IAS), soil disturbances in the area were continuously evident in historical photographs. Before 1982, activities at the site consisted of clearing an area up to 100 feet or more in diameter and enclosing it with an earthen berm. A layer of water was then placed within the bermed area. Waste fuels, oils, and waste solvents were floated on the water, ignited, and then extinguished. The IAS reported that up to 450 gallons of waste solvent were mixed with up to 2,100 gallons of waste fuel per year for use in the training exercises. Aircraft sections were sometimes placed in the area to simulate actual crash conditions. After 1975, waste solvents were reportedly no longer mixed with the waste fuels and oils to be ignited. Fire fighting materials used in the training exercises included aqueous fire fighting foam, gaseous Halon 1301, water, and dry chemical extinguishers.

A partially buried 6,000-gallon storage tank, formerly located north of the Fire Training Area ring, was used for an unknown period of time prior to 1982 to store waste fuels and solvents at the site. The concrete ring was constructed after a spill to prevent further soil contamination by waste fuels. A 1,000-gallon aboveground storage tank (AST) with secondary containment was installed 1982 to replace the 6,000-gallon storage tank. The 6,000-gallon storage tank was likely removed in the early 1980s. The AST was removed in the mid-1990s.

In February 2010, munitions and explosives of concern (MEC) was encountered. The MEC was likely from a firing stop butt area, not associated with Site 2, where aircraft 20-mm cannon firing systems were tested at the former NWIRP.

Environmental Investigations/Interim Actions: To address spills at the site, a groundwater recovery well and oil-water separation system was installed in December 1987 groundwater and free product extraction continued until 1993. Passive free product recovery continued until 1996.

In 1992, a Site Investigation (SI) was conducted. The results of the sampling and analysis confirmed the presence of contaminated soil and groundwater at Site 2. The primary soil contaminants are chlorinated and non-chlorinated volatile organics, with lesser concentrations of semi-volatile organics and inorganics. Low concentrations of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and pesticides were also found. Additional investigation was recommended at this site to characterize the nature and extent of both soil and groundwater.

RCRA Facility Investigation (RFI) evaluations began in 1994 and were completed in 2001. Field investigations were conducted in 1994, 1995, and 1997. The purpose of the RI was to characterize the nature and extent of contamination and estimate potential risks to human health and the environment.

In 1995, a human health risk assessment (HHRA) was conducted for the RFI report. The risk assessment found that there might be an unacceptable cancer risk to current workers. PCBs’ in the surface soil resulted in the most significant potential cancer risk. However, this risk is within the USEPA target risk range of 1 E-04 to 1 E-06. Residential exposure to soil and groundwater was also evaluated. Carcinogenic and noncarcinogenic risks exceeded the target risk range for both media. The primary risk drivers include solvents, polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), PCBs, arsenic, and manganese.

In addition to the potential for unacceptable risks to human health, the contaminant concentrations of several soil and groundwater samples exceeded state guidance or regulatory requirements. Soil contaminants detected at concentrations higher than state guidance include chlorinated and nonchlorinated VOCs, PAHs, PCBs, and several metals. Most of the exceedances were located east of the fire training ring. Groundwater contaminants detected at concentrations higher than drinking water standards and groundwater quality standards included a variety of chlorinated and nonchlorinated solvents, dichlorobenzene, phenolics, PAHs, pesticides, PCBs, and metals.

In 1995, a pilot-scale study for an AS/SVE was constructed and operated seasonally through 2000. Approximately 46 pounds of target chlorinated volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and 8 pounds of target non-chlorinated VOCs were removed from soil. Approximately 30,000 pounds of organics (measured as carbon) were also destroyed through biodegradation.

In 2008 and 2009, a Removal Action was conducted to address shallow petroleum-contaminated soil (less than 6 feet below ground surface). Approximately 11,408 tons of petroleum-, solvent-, and PCB-contaminated soil and 1 ton of crushed buried drums were excavated, characterized, and disposed off site. In addition, approximately 1,100 pounds of calcium oxyhydroxide was applied to the excavated area to promote biodegradation of residual petroleum contamination.

From 2012 to 2015, MEC response actions commenced at Site 2. Activities included mechanical excavation to a minimum depth of 18 inches below ground surface (bgs), manual screening, and backfilling throughout the majority of the Site. Approximately 1.8 acres were surfaced cleared of MEC. Suspected MEC and material potentially presenting an explosive hazard (MPPEH) were encountered throughout the area and were classified as 20-mm projectiles or pieces of 20-mm projectiles. Approximately 19,200 projectiles or pieces of projectiles were recovered and removed. Weathered drums (and remnants of crushed drums) containing oil-like waste, Freon contaminated soil, paint-like waste, and tar were encountered and removed.

Beginning in 2016, poly- and perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) investigations were conducted on and off Navy property because AFFF was used during fire training activities. Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS) were detected in groundwater above the USEPA drinking water Health Advisory (HA) of 70 nanogram per liter (ng/L). PFAS was also detected in surface and subsurface soil and surface water.

Current/Future Action: A Record of Decision (ROD) for an interim action to address MEC was finalized in 2018. A Remedial Action to address MEC is planned for Fall 2018 through Spring 2019. A ROD to address VOCs in groundwater is on hold while the investigation for PFAS continues at Site 2.

Expand List item 715Collapse List item 715  Aircraft Paint Hangars

Site Description: Building 168 – “New Aircraft Paint Hanger” and Building 318 – “Rehab Existing Paint Hanger” are located in the south-central portion of the facility and north west of ERP Site 6A – Former Fuel Calibration Area. During the 1997 Environmental Basewide Survey (EBS), these aircraft hangars were identified as containing fire suppression systems that utilized AFFF, which is a known source of PFAS. The Hangars were equipped with trough drains that were routed to rinse water tanks (Building 168) or to a sump where the water was pumped to an Industrial Waste Treatment Plant. Reportedly, all AFFF systems at Calverton were replaced with wet-systems by 1998 or buildings were demolished.

Site History: The AFFF system at the Aircraft Paint Hangars may have been tested in the 1980-1981 timeframe by a full dump of water and AFFF inside the structure, and the residual AFFF / water reportedly was not captured. The drainage system in this area most likely discharges to the Site 6A – Former Fuel Calibration Area swales.

Environmental Investigations/Interim Actions: Beginning in 2016, PFAS investigations were conducted using the existing monitoring well network at Site 6A – Former Fuel Calibration Area and Southern Area. PFOA and PFOS were detected in groundwater above the USEPA drinking water HA of 70 ng/L. PFAS was also detected in surface water.

Current/Future Action: The investigation for PFAS is ongoing at the Aircraft Paint Hangars.

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Sites Under Remediation

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Expand List item 716Collapse List item 716  Site 6A - Fuel Calibration Area

Site Description: Site 6A – Fuel Calibration Area was first identified in the 1986 IAS. Site 6A is located in the south central portion of the facility within Parcel B1. The Fuel Calibration Area consists of a new and old fuel calibration pad. The old fuel calibration pad was located in what is now an open grass-covered field. The old fuel calibration pad was abandoned in 1982. The new fuel calibration pad is located to the northeast of the old fuel calibration pad and consisted of above ground fuel storage tanks and pumps on a concrete apron. The new fuel calibration pad was active until 1996.

Site History: The fuel calibration and related facilities were used in the testing of aircraft fuel and engine systems. Aircraft fuel delivery systems were pressurized with fuel in the calibration area to test for leaks. The testing may have resulted in frequent, small fuel spills to the area’s pavement. The concrete apron between the two fuel calibration pads was also used for the same activity. A shed, piping, and fuel filtering devices were located in the area in the 1980s. The equipment has since been removed. Former Underground Storage Tank (UST) for fuel was located at the old fuel calibration pad (south of Building 231), but was removed in the early 1990s by NGC. An underground waste oil tank and motor oil tank, and transformer were also present in this area and were likely removed in the early 1990s.

Environmental Investigations/Interim Actions: The primary environmental concern at the Old Fuel Calibration Area was the spillage of aircraft fuels. According to the 1986 IAS, as many as 230 gallons of fuel are recorded to have been spilled in these areas. The majority of the spillage was concentrated in the areas surrounding the old fuel calibration pad. Minor maintenance and repairs to the fuel and engine systems were also conducted at the site, and solvents were used during these activities and were likely spilled during their use. Between 1987 and 1992, the underground storage tanks at the site were removed and a mechanical free product recovery system was constructed and operated. Approximately 1,900 gallons of fuel related product were removed.

In 1992, a Site Investigation (SI) was conducted for Site 6A. The results of the sampling and analysis confirmed the presence of significant soil and groundwater contamination at the old fuel calibration area of Site 6A. The primary contaminants found were chlorinated and nonchlorinated volatile organics and semivolatile organics, primarily associated with petroleum.

In 1995, an RFI was completed. A Phase 2 RI began in 1997 and was completed in 2001. Phase 2 RI activities were conducted to fill data gaps from the previous investigations. Based on the results of the RI, the nature and extent of contamination at this site had been characterized. Therefore, the remediation process was to proceed to an FS to evaluate remedial options to address groundwater contamination. Chlorinated VOCs in the groundwater were the primary site concern.

As part of the 1995 RFI, a HHRA was conducted. The results indicated that there was a potential for adverse non-carcinogenic health effects However, the majority of the risk was attributable to hypothetical residential exposure to chemicals detected in groundwater. In soils, adverse non-carcinogenic health effects are not anticipated for soil exposure pathways evaluated in the baseline risk assessment.

A 2002 Technical Memorandum presented the findings of the test pit excavations, sample collection, and laboratory analysis conducted in June 2001. Historic data for the site was inconclusive as to whether soil contamination remained at the site. In 2001, a petroleum-based floating free product layer remained at the site; however, the thickness of the remaining product to a level that was no longer recoverable via conventional methods. The test data confirmed data from 1995 that did not find evidence of significant soil contamination at this site. Floating petroleum products near the water table and groundwater contamination did remain at the site.

In 2006, a FS/CMS was conducted. The CMS addressed contaminated soil and groundwater at Sites 6A and 10B and the on-site component of the Southern Area groundwater. The 2007 Statement of Basis (SOB) explained the proposed corrective measures for Site 6A and 10B. The recommended Remedial Action for soil at Sites 6A and 10B was Excavation and Off-Site Treatment and Disposal. The recommended Remedial Action for groundwater at Sites 6A and 10B was Land Use Controls (LUCs)/Deed Notifications, Natural Attenuation, and Monitoring.

In 2009 and 2010 soil excavation and offsite disposal, free product recovery, and placement of an oxygen releasing compound was conducted. Approximately 21,000 tons of VOC-, petroleum-, PAH-, and PCB-contaminated soil were removed. Post-excavation revegetation efforts are continuing.

Current/Future Actions: Groundwater monitoring of site wells at Site 6A-Fuel Calibration Area will continue.

Expand List item 717Collapse List item 717  Site 6A - Southern Area

Site Description: Site 6A-Southern Area is used to describe a groundwater plume associated with chlorinated solvent and petroleum releases from Site 6A – Fuel Calibration Area, see Site 6A description above for additional information. This plume originates in the area of Site 6A and extends south and east (hydraulically downgradient) to the Peconic River. The plume is estimated to extend over an area of approximately 140 acres and varies from approximately 5 to 10 feet thick near Site 6A and 40 feet thick in the southeast. The plume is characterized by a mixture of chlorinated volatile organic compounds and water soluble constituents of petroleum near Site 6A to almost exclusively 1,1-dichloroethane near the River. The majority of the plume source was removed in a 2009/2010 remedial action. There are no other known or suspected major contaminant sources within this area. However, the area is hydraulically down gradient of Site 6A, Site 10B, and the NWIRP general industrial complex, which could result in small, unidentified sources. The area is mostly wooded and includes two shallow ponds near the northern edge. The southeastern portion of the plume is characterized by extensive woodlands and wetlands, especially near the Peconic River.

Site History: No major industrial-type activities were conducted within the Southern Area. From the late 1980s to the early 1990s, groundwater from Site 6A was discharged into this drainage swale and culvert as well as into the western pond. Although this action is not the only source of the contamination, it likely contributed to contamination identified in the Southern Area. A private club is located in the off-site Southern Area that has four drinking water wells. Two of the wells have been impacted by chlorinated solvent contamination. One well was shutdown and treatment was placed on the second well.

Environmental Investigations/Interim Actions: The 1998 Phase 2 RFI identified a groundwater plume beneath the Southern Area warranting further investigation. In 2006, a FS/Corrective Measures Study (CMS) for Sites 6A, 10B, and the on-site portion of the Southern Area was completed and recommended Remedial Action for these sites. An FS/CMS for the off-site portion of the Southern Area was also prepared.

Response actions at Site 6A – Former Fuel Calibration Area in 2008 to 2010 removed the majority of the source material associated with the Site 6A – Southern Area groundwater VOC plume.

In 2010 and 2011, an anaerobically Enhanced In-Situ Biodegradation Pilot Test (Bio-Study) was conducted at the NWIRP fence line and included periodic sampling and additional reinjections of treatment mixtures via injection wells. Aquifer testing was also conducted within the Site 6A – Southern Area to support the design of a groundwater treatment system. Evaluation of 2011 data suggests that the plume had shifted by approximately 100 feet from the east to the west between 2008/2009 and 2011.

In 2011, the local public water supply was extended to the Peconic River Sportsmans Club (PRSC), which ensures continued protection of human health from exposure to contamination in groundwater. A soil vapor intrusion investigation was conducted at the PRSC. Results of this investigation showed no VOC exceedance of NYSDOH Air Guideline Values or the USEPA target risk range, and the report concluded no action was needed to mitigate vapor intrusion as a potential contaminant migration pathway was warranted at PRSC.

A Record of Decision (ROD) for groundwater at Site 6A-Southern Area was signed in 2012. The ROD identified the selected remedy which consists of Land Use Controls (LUCs) to prevent human exposure to groundwater contaminated with these VOCs; Fence Line Treatment System (FLTS), which consists of extraction, treatment, and discharge of groundwater at the fence line to reduce or eliminate off property migration of contaminants and to reduce potential impacts to downgradient ecological receptors; and groundwater monitoring.

The FLTS began operation in 2014 and intercepts the groundwater VOC plume north of the property boundary in order to prevent discharge of VOCs with concentrations greater than cleanup levels to the Peconic River. The FLTS is designed so it can be modified based on the conditions of the plume (location, VOC concentrations, etc.) to most effectively treat the groundwater.

Current/Future Action: The FLTS continues to operate and a shutdown evaluation is currently in progress.

Expand List item 718Collapse List item 718  Site 7 - Fuel Depot Area

Site Description: Site 7 – Fuel Depot Area is located approximately 3,000 feet north of the former south main gate entrance, near the geographic center of the NWIRP Calverton facility within Parcel C. It is located on the east side of the road leading from the south gate entrance, and is relatively flat. The principal visual features of the area are the perimeter fence, a concrete surface, foundations from the old fuel storage, filtration, pumping, and dispensing facilities, an AS/SVE treatment system and the remediation and electrical control buildings. The area surrounding Site 7 contains a combination of structures and woodlands.

Site History: The fuel depot area was used for the storage and distribution of fuel products, such as Jet Propulsion (JP)-4 and JP-5 jet fuels which were stored in USTs. The material was then transferred to trucks for use in the flight preparation areas of the facility. During the 1990s, all of the USTs were removed from the site. In the mid-2000s, the fueling structures were also removed.

Environmental Investigations/Interim Actions: In 1992, a Site Investigation (SI) was conducted for Site 7. The results of the sampling and analysis confirmed the presence of limited soil and groundwater contamination in the area of the USTs. The primary contaminants found were non-chlorinated volatile organics and semivolatile organics, primarily associated with petroleum.

A 1995 baseline HHRA found no adverse risks to current workers. Under future residential land use scenario, adverse risks to human health would be expected from both direct contact with the soils and domestic use of groundwater. The primary contaminants of concern for future residents include PAHs, substituted benzene compounds, and naphthalene compounds.

In 1997, three 50,000-gallon USTs were removed from Site 7. In 1998, three additional USTs were removed from Site 7 - two 10,000 gallon USTs (one gasoline and one diesel) and a 20,000 gasoline UST. In 2002, a FS/CMS was completed for Site 7.

A 2003 Record of Decision (ROD) presented the selected Remedial Action for Operable Unit (OU) 2 - soils and groundwater at Site 7. The selected remedy was consisted of installing an AS/SVE system and conducting short-term groundwater monitoring.

In 2006 an AS/SVE system was installed and the system ran seasonally from March to December until 2013. From 2008 to 2011, additional investigations were conducted, and the system was expanded to address areas that were a continuing source of contamination. Residual contamination remains at the location of the concrete foundation of the former USTs.

Current/Future Actions: Long Term Monitoring of groundwater will continue until cleanup levels are achieved. A Remedial Design is in progress for the removal of UST concrete foundation and petroleum contaminated soil as well as an option for the installation of a targeted AS/SVE system.

Expand List item 719Collapse List item 719  Site 10A - Jet Fuel Systems Lab

Site Description: Site 10A – Jet Fuel Systems Lab was used to test fuel and fuel systems. The building is situated east of three former production wells for the facility and across the street just south of the Fuel Depot. Jet Fuel Systems Lab was designated as Building 230 by the Navy and Building 06-11 by NGC. Site 10A is part of a larger 10-acre tract of land designated as NWIRP Calverton Parcel C. Site 10A was transferred to the Town of Riverhead in 2007; however deed restrictions remain in place. Site 10A was used for the testing of fuels and fuel systems.

Site History: The Jet Fuel Systems Laboratory (Building 230) was constructed in 1952. The building and exterior areas were operated until closure in 1996. The building is currently being refurbished by the current property owner.

Environmental Investigations/Interim Actions: In 1995 a leach field containing four cesspools formerly serving Building 230 was investigated as part of a 1995 RFA Sampling Visit. The cesspools were located immediately east of the building. The report concluded that soils and groundwater in the area were potentially contaminated by fuel or fuel/oil related products and recommended further investigation. Subsequent investigations by Navy and NGC identified limited soil contamination underneath the building.

In 1997, as a follow up to the initial RFA, the Navy completed an RFA Site Visit Addendum to confirm the presence or absence of petroleum-related contamination in soils and groundwater near the cesspools east of Building 230. The RFA Sampling Visit Addendum also addressed data gaps pertaining to Site 10A in the RFI and provided additional soil and groundwater data. In 1998 a Phase 2 RFI concluded that a relatively small area (approximately 400 square feet) of freon contaminated groundwater was present near the fuel leaching chamber. In addition, based on soil testing by NGC, solvent and fuel contaminated soil is present in the Contaminated Fuel Leaching Chamber (near A4MW5) and underneath the laboratory (near the Contaminated Fuel Handling System).

A 2005 SOB demonstrated that all corrective action requirements identified in the Permit regarding Site 10A was addressed and no additional investigation or remediation activities were required, however, deed restrictions were needed.

In 2006, an Environmental Baseline Survey to Transfer (EBST) addressed the proposed transfer to the Town of Riverhead. Site 10A included Building 230 (the former Jet Fuel System Test Laboratory), as well as associated exterior paved and landscaped areas. The EBST concluded that Site 10A was environmentally suitable for transfer to the Town of Riverhead for the purposes of economic redevelopment. A 2007 Finding of Suitability to Transfer (FOST) for Site 10A determined that the combination of a cap with appropriate land use controls would be protective of human health. Site 10A was transferred to the Town of Riverhead, Suffolk County, New York in 2007.

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Current/Future Actions: A Five-year review will be conducted in 2019.

No Further Action ERP Sites

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Expand List item 731Collapse List item 731  NFA Site Locations

Click on a site label for more information.

Expand List item 720Collapse List item 720  Site 1 - Northeast Pond Disposal Area

Site Description: Site 1- Northeast Pond Disposal Area was located approximately 1,000 feet south of Middle County Road (NY Route 25) and 0.95 miles east of NWIRP-Calverton’s north gate. Site 1 consisted of a relatively flat borrow and disposal area that encompassed approximately two acres.

Site History: Site 1 was intermittently used as a landfill before Navy acquisition of land in 1947. The Navy continued landfilling at Site 1 until 1984 at which time it was covered with soil (approximately 2.3 acres). The landfill was primarily used for the disposal of demolition debris such as concrete, brick, wood, and other construction materials, one drum containing petroleum and chlorinated solvents was found during the Remedial Investigation. Site 1 contains the state endangered tiger salamander and is an archeologically significant and a wetland.

Environmental Investigations/Interim Action: The 1986 IAS was conducted and recommended a Confirmation Study for Site 1. An SI was conducted in 1992 and because of VOC and metals contamination in soils, sediment and surface water, the SI recommended an RI/RFI.

An HHRA was conducted during the 1997 RFI. The HHRA concluded that, the conditions posed an insignificant threat to human receptors engaged in routine occupational and recreational activities at the site.

An Ecological Risk Assessment (ERA) conducted for the 1997 RFI identified potential chemicals of concern in surface soil, surface water and sediment at Site 1. Toluene, phenolics, pesticides, PCBs, cadmium, lead, nickel, and silver in sediment could have represented potential ecological risk. Chemicals detected in surface water that may have potentially caused risk to ecological receptors included 4,4’- dichloro diphenyldichloroethane (DDD), aluminum, cadmium, and iron. For surface soil on the landfill cover, chromium and PCBs represented a potential ecological risk.

A 2002 Phase 2 RI summarized the results of previous testing and a Focused FS for Site 1 was prepared. A 2002 Record of Decision presented the selected Remedial Action for OU 1 - soils and sediment at Site 1. The selected remedy in this RODconsisted of excavating all landfill waste materials, contaminated soil, and contaminated sediment with subsequent off-site disposal. Short-term groundwater monitoring would be conducted to determine the impacts, if any, that excavation of the landfill would have had on groundwater quality and whether groundwater use restrictions were necessary. A 2004 Construction Closeout Report documented field activities to fulfill the remedy selected by the ROD.

In 2006, a SOB for Major Permit Modification-No further action decision was submitted to remove Site 1 from the permit. Parcel D included Site 1-Northeast Pond Disposal Area and Site 9-ECM Area was transferred to the Town of Riverhead in 2007.

Expand List item 721Collapse List item 721  Site 3 - Ammunition Demolition Area

Site Description: Site 3-Ammunition Demolition Area was first identified in the 1986 IAS. Site 3 was located to the northwest of the activity's runways and industrial areas.

Site History: Site 3 was the site of controlled demolition of excess or off-specification ammunition (mostly aircraft cannon rounds) from 1957 to 1965. Reportedly, personnel performed thorough post-operation clean-up and disposal after each demolition exercise. The practice of ammunition disposal in this manner ended in 1985, when personnel decided to construct a controlled facility.

Environmental Investigations: According to the 1986 IAS, personnel destroyed ammunition by setting fire to 5 to 10 gallons of various types of waste fuel (JP-4, JP-5) in a 55-gallon drum placed in an unlined pit. The ammunition was released into the fire. Personnel removed remaining shell casings and projectiles after each exercise. In 1985, personnel destroyed an estimated 1,700 rounds of ammunition and signal flares at the site. Reportedly, this quantity is considered representative of the quantity destroyed each year from 1957 to 1985.

The quantities of ammunition destroyed at Site 3 were comparatively limited, and thorough post-operation clean-ups were reportedly performed. Ammunition was not considered to be a contaminant of concern at this site. POL's used to incinerate the ammunition were also used in small quantities, and were reportedly incinerated during the exercises. Therefore, Site 3, Ammunition Disposal Area was not recommended for a Confirmation Study.

Expand List item 722Collapse List item 722  Site 4 - Picnic Grounds Disposal Area

Site Description: Site 4 was first identified in the 1986 IAS. Site 4 was located approximately 500 feet west of Site 3, Ammunition Demolition Area. It consisted of a single trench-type landfill, approximately 60 feet long by 40 feet wide.

Site History: Site 4 was active from 1947 (prior to Navy acquisition) until the early 1980s. According to Navy and Grumman representatives, the area was not an authorized, active disposal site. Personnel could provide no information regarding past disposal operations at this site.

Environmental Investigations: According to the 1986 IAS, the estimated maximum volume of material disposed at Site 4 was 500 cubic yardsthat consisted of picnic tables, metal fabrications, old fences, demolition debris, foam, plastic, carpeting, and plywood. As stated, no shops or personnel at the activity could provide information regarding past or current disposal operations at this site. Records did not exist to document operations at this site. In light of the long operational life of the disposal area, the possibility that hazardous wastes may have been disposed of at the site during a period when awareness of the dangers of hazardous waste was lower, and the immediate proximity of the Upper Glacial Aquifer, Site 4 was recommended for a Confirmation Study.

A Site Investigation was conducted in 1992 to obtain environmental information in order to eliminate from further investigation those sites that posed no definable threat to the environment or to public health. Based on the absence of significant contamination in site soils, no additional investigation at Site 4 was recommended.

Expand List item 723Collapse List item 723  Site 5 - 1950s Gun Range Ammunition Disposal Area

Site Description: Site 5-1950s Gun Range Ammunition Disposal Area was first identified in the 1986 IAS. Site 5 was located approximately 500 feet northwest of the Radio Noise Check Area and the Engine Run-Up Area.

Site History: Site 5 was the first area at NWIRP Calverton used for the testing of aircraft cannons. In the early 1950s guns and airborne cannons were tested before they were installed in aircraft. Ammunition that failed to fire during testing may have been disposed of in an intermittent stream and swamp area. Reportedly, the range operated for 1 to 1-1/2 years, until about 1953. In 1957, operations were transferred to the Gun Butt Facility. Presently, no buildings, earthen ramparts, or other structures at the site suggest the range's existence.

>Environmental Investigations: In January and May of 1986, the original gun firing test site was scanned with a metal detector. No ammunition items were detected. Therefore, Site 5 was not recommended for a Confirmation Study.

Expand List item 724Collapse List item 724  Site 6B - Engine Run-Up Area/6C - South End of Runway

Site Description: Site 6B-Engine Run-up Area and Site 6C-South End of Runway 32-14 were identified in the 1986 IAS due to fuel spills. Site 6B and 6C are located 4,500 feet and 6,500 feet, respectively, east-southeast of the fuel calibration pad at Site 6A.

Site 6B is a 500- by 100-foot concrete area adjacent to the taxiway and is surrounded by a metal blast fence on the three remaining sides. The area beyond the blast fence is open and grass covered. Site 6C is at the southwest corner of the runway, at the end of the concrete taxiway. Aircraft turned in this area to stage for takeoff. The site is located approximately 200 feet north of River Road and 8,200 feet east of the south gate.

Site History: The primary environmental concern at Sites 6B/6C was the spillage of aircraft fuels. According to the 1986 IAS, as many as 230 gallons of fuel are recorded to have been spilled in these areas. The majority of the spillage was expected to be concentrated in the areas surrounding Site 6A.

Environmental Investigations: An SI was conducted in 1992 to obtain environmental information in order to eliminate from further investigation those sites that posed no definable threat to the environment or to public health. Soils and groundwater were sampled and the analysis did not indicate the presence of significant contamination in these areas. As a result, no additional investigation was recommended at Sites 6B and 6C.

Expand List item 725Collapse List item 725  Site 8 - Coal Pile Storage Area

Site Description: Site 8 is behind the Steam Plant in the south central portion of the NWlRP Calverton.

Site History: Site 8 was used for the bulk storage of coal for the onsite steam plant. The coal pile storage area was investigated because of reports that solvents were placed on the coal, The solvents may have passed through the coal and entered the underlying soils and groundwater in the area. The coal pile was removed in the 1980s.

Environmental Investigations: During an initial reconnaissance of the area in October 1992, it was observed that precipitation runoff from the coal pile enters a small marshy area north of the coal pile. This marsh is near production wells for the facility. Two of these wells (Production Wells 2 and 3) were found to be contaminated with low levels of solvents.

Preliminary testing of the site in 1994 identified the potential for hydrocarbon (fuels/oils) contamination may to be present in the soils and groundwater. As a result, a petroleum hydrocarbons and a VOC soil and groundwater investigation was performed in this area to determine if contamination was present.

This investigation was conducted as part of the 1997 RFA Addendum and concluded that additional investigations or remedial actions were not required.

Expand List item 726Collapse List item 726  Site 9 - Electronic Counter Measures (ECM) Area

Site Description: Site 9 is located in the northeast corner of the NWlRP Calverton. General site features included the ECM building (Building 07-39), an old debris disposal area located approximately 600 feet to the south, and two depressions located to the east and to the southeast. Construction debris and miscellaneous equipment were visible in and around the disposal area and throughout the southeast depression.

Site History: Site 9 was a test facility for Electronic Counter Measure equipment. The ECM area was investigated because volatile organics were detected in a County Study conducted northeast of the property boundary fence line (and potentially hydraulically down gradient) of the ECM area. In the mid-1990s, the buildings and site structures were removed.

Environmental Investigations: Based on the reconnaissance of the ECM area in October 1992, there was visual evidence that construction debris was disposed near the area. Historic photographs of the facility indicated disturbances of the soils in the area during the 1960s and 1970s. Also, solvents (volatile organics) were used in the laboratory at the site. The disposal of other materials in this area could not be ruled out.

A temporary monitoring well program was recommended to confirm the absence of solvents at Site 9. The 1997 RFA Addendum concluded that the nature and extent of offsite TCA contamination needed to be defined. Based on the Phase 2 Extended SI findings conducted in 2000, no further action was recommended for the site.

Expand List item 727Collapse List item 727  Site 10 - Cesspool Leach field Areas

Site Description: Site 10 – Cesspool Leach Field Areas were a series of leaching pools located throughout the facility to dispose of domestic waste. Each area was generally associated with buildings and structures and was installed with the facility.

Site History: The cesspools/leach fields at the facility were used for sanitary wastes. Several cesspools/leach field areas were investigated because of the potential for industrial wastes to have been discharged to them.

Environmental Investigations: Because of the large number of cesspools/leach fields at the facility, and the consideration that some areas were used only for sanitary wastes (no industrial-type activity in that area), a preliminary screening of potentially contaminated cesspools/leach fields was conducted during the preparation of 1994 RFA Work Plan. This screening reduced the number of areas to be investigated from 22 to 8.

Based on the investigation at 8 sites, Building 06-11 (Site 10A) - Jet Fuel Systems Lab and Building 06-18 - Engine Test House (Site 10B) were potentially contaminated with fuel and/or oil related products. An investigation of soils and groundwater was warranted to define the extent of this potential contamination. These investigations are discussed with the relevant sites.

Expand List item 728Collapse List item 728  Site 10B - Engine Test House

Site Description: Site 10B – Engine Test House is located 1,000 feet south of the Old Fuel Calibration Area, in the south central portion of the facility. Prior to a 2008 Remedial Action, this area consisted of a building, surrounding concrete pad, sparse woods, and open grassy area. A drainage swale and culvert from the Old Fuel Calibration Area runs adjacent to and hydraulically up-gradient of the Engine Test House.

Site History: Testing of aircraft engine systems occurred from the late 1950s to 1996. Minor maintenance and repairs to engine systems were also conducted at the site. In addition, underground storage tanks, including those for jet fuel and waste oil were present. An electric polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB)-containing transformer was also located on the site.

VOC-impacted groundwater originates at Site 6A – Former Fuel Calibration Area flows under Site 10B, and extends off property to the southeast. Investigations have been conducted at Site 10B to evaluate the extent to which site media (soil and groundwater) were impacted from historical operations.

Environmental Investigations/Interim Actions: This area was initially evaluated as part of the 1995 RFA cesspool/leach field investigation. Subsequent testing during the 1997 RFA Addendum found that the cesspool at this site was not a source of environmental contamination. However, during this testing, fuel-type contamination was found in the area of an UST removed in the mid-1990s. Based on an interview with Northrop Grumman, approximately 80 cubic yards of fuel-contaminated soils were excavated during the removal of the UST.

The 1998, the Phase 2 RFI concluded that a relatively small area (approximately 4,800 square feet) of fuel-type BTEX contaminated groundwater was present down gradient of the former UST. Chlorinated VOC contaminated groundwater was also present east of the Engine Test House, most of which was attributed to contamination was Site 6A – Old Fuel Calibration Area via the drainage swale and culvert and groundwater flow.

In 2006, a FS/CMS for Sites 6A, 10B, and the On-site Southern Area was developed and recommended Remedial Action alternatives for soil and groundwater at these sites. A 2007 SOB recommended excavation and off-site treatment and disposal of contaminated soil.

In 2009, the Engine Test House, Fuel Pump House, and underlying petroleum contaminated soil were excavated and disposed off site. Approximately 3,540 cubic yards of soil was excavated and approximately 1,600 pounds of calcium oxyhydroxide were applied at the bottom of the excavation. Disturbed areas were re-vegetated in 2009. In 2010, the remedial action at Site 10B was completed with the removal of a transformer pad and PCB-contaminated soil.

In 2012, the Operable Unit 3 (OU3) ROD was signed and the selected remedy for the Site 10B groundwater was monitoring and LUCs. In 2017, the last round of sampling at Site 10B was conducted to support a Remedial Action Completion Report (RACR). Results indicated that VOCs were below Cleanup Levels.

In 2018, a RACR memorialized the completion of construction of the remedy, allowing for unlimited use and unrestricted exposure.

Expand List item 729Collapse List item 729  Site 11 - Fixture Storage Area

Site Description: Site 11 – Fixture Storage Area is located in the south central portion of NWIRP Calverton.

Site History: Site 11 was used for the storage of miscellaneous portable structures used for assembling aircraft. Site 11 was investigated because historical aerial photographs of the site indicated that material of unknown origin was used to fill in depressions.

Environmental Investigations: This site was evaluated during the 1995 RFA. The low concentrations of solvents at the site were found; however, based on the concentrations detected relative to state guidelines, no additional action was recommended for this site.

Site Description: The Agricultural Outlease Parcel covered an area of 5.77 acres located within the Southeast Buffer Zone which is east of the facility and north of River Road. The subject property was part of a 44.7-acre parcel of land that the Navy had leased to a local farmer until 1996. The parcel consisted of agricultural land plus a cluster of agricultural buildings.

Site History: The Navy transferred most of Zone II, including most of the formerly out-leased agricultural land east of the fenced area to the NYSDEC in 1997 for conservation and public recreation. However, the Navy had identified several areas within the cluster of agricultural buildings as requiring environmental investigation. The Navy, therefore, retained the cluster of agricultural buildings and property (Agricultural Outlease Parcel) to investigated and if necessary conduct an environmental cleanup. The buildings included an abandoned farm house, storage sheds, and garages. Potentially hazardous materials stored in the buildings included pesticides, fertilizer, lead-acid batteries, and miscellaneous flammable or toxic liquids. Two USTs and an AST were also located at the site.

Environmental Investigations/Interim Actions: In 1999, Agricultural Outlease area buildings were dismantled and demolished and all asbestos containing material and lead-based paint were removed from each structure prior to demolition. Approximately 22 tons of asbestos-containing materials (ACM) and lead based paint (LBP) were removed from the buildings. Two, 500-gallon, steel USTs associated with Building 258 (main residence building) were also excavated from the site during demolition activities. In October 1999, 32 containers of hazardous materials were removed from the site. By the end of November 2001, all buildings, waste, storage tanks, and contaminated soil were removed from the area.

A 2001 soil investigation identified soil beneath the concrete slabs for Buildings 260, 265, and 270 contained pesticide concentrations greater than NYSDEC clean-up objectives. However, because the contaminated areas were relatively small, the Navy subsequently decided to conduct a removal action to remove the contaminated soils.

In 2002, the Navy prepared a Construction Completion Report documenting the activities that took place during the removal of pesticide-contaminated soils as well as the results of the confirmation sampling.

In 2005, the Agricultural Outlease Area was transferred to NYSDEC

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