Restoration Advisory Board
The Restoration Advisory Board (RAB) is the cornerstone of the Navy’s enhanced approach to involving stakeholders in the cleanup process. The RAB allows members of the community and representatives of the Shipyard, U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, Maine Department of Environmental Protection, and local governments to work together toward a common goal.
The RAB has a twofold purpose. First, the RAB is a forum for representatives of the Shipyard, regulatory agencies, and the community to discuss and exchange information about Navy’s Environmental Restoration Program. Second, the RAB gives stakeholders the opportunity to participate in the cleanup process and make their views known to decision makers. The RAB does not substitute for other community involvement initiatives like preparing the Community Implementation Plan, issuing public notices, holding public meetings, and establishing and maintaining information repositories. Rather, the RAB complements those activities by serving as a focal point for dialogue.
The RAB at the Shipyard was established in 17 August 1995 and meets quarterly at:
Kittery Town Hall
200 Rogers Road, Ext.
Kittery, Maine 03904
7 p.m. until 9 p.m.
RAB Meeting Minutes - 2012 May
RAB Meeting Minutes - 2012 December
Final Second Five-Year Review Report
Community Implementation Plan
The Navy requires formal Community Implementation Plans (CIP), formerly known as Community Relations Plans, at all Navy Environmental Restoration Program sites whether or not they are listed on the National Priorities List or not. The plans are prepared and implemented on an installation-wide basis rather than for a specified environmental cleanup action and are intended to provide for various levels of community involvement in removal and remedial actions. The CIP is based on information gathered from the community through interviews conducted by the Navy and our contractors with local officials, residents, public interest groups, and other interested or affected parties to ascertain community concerns, community information needs, and how or when citizens would like to be involved in the cleanup process.
The Community Implementation Plan (CIP) was completed in June 2012.
Information Repositories
The Information Repository is a collection of documents that are considered important for easy public access. The repositories allow open and convenient public access to all site-related documents provided for public disclosure. There are two information repositories dedicated to the Shipyard:
Rice Public Library
8 Wentworth Street
Kittery, ME 03904
Portsmouth Public Library
175 Parrott Avenue
Portsmouth, NH 03801