Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune (Camp Lejeune) was commissioned in 1941 with a mission and values that still hold true to this day: to maintain combat-ready warfighters for deployment and humanitarian missions abroad.
The Base is located in eastern North Carolina, southeast of the City of Jacksonville in Onslow County. To help prepare warfighters for combat and humanitarian missions abroad, Camp Lejeune offers 156,000 acres, 11 miles of beach capable of supporting amphibious operations, 34 gun positions, 50 tactical landing zones, three urban terrain training facilities, and 80 live fire ranges. The property is used by more than 170,000 people including more than 63,000 active duty military and 11,000 civilians.
Camp Lejeune is a seven-time recipient of the Commander-in-Chief's Award for Installation Excellence. This award recognizes the base on a Department of Defense-level for effectively managing assets and developing quality programs to accomplish the mission of providing expeditionary forces in readiness.
For more information, please visit the Camp Lejeune homepage at