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Naval Industrial Reserve Ordnance Plant Fridley

Environmental Restoration Program Public Website

To access the Administrative Record File documents for NIROP Fridley, click here:

Administrative Record File


The Navy, as Lead Agency for environmental cleanups at Navy/USMC installations, creates installation-specific Administrative Record Files that includes documents for all environmental cleanup sites on Navy/USMC installations.

Administrative Record Files for Navy/USMC installations contain documents that form the basis for the selection of response actions for environmental sites and that serve as vehicles for public participation in the selection of response actions at these installations. To learn more about the Administrative Record File, click here: Environmental Restoration Program Home

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                 Department of the Navy (DON) Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Central Request Office

If a Department of the Navy Freedom of Information Act pop-up message appears in lieu of a document, please follow the Freedom of Information Act link below for information and directions on how to request a copy of the document.

This website provides access to the Department of the Navy documents through a citizen-centered Freedom of Information Act program in accordance with all Federal laws and Department of Justice, Defense, and Navy regulations.

The Freedom of Information Act, 5 United States Code Section 552 (as amended by the OPEN Government Act of 2007, Public Law No. 110-175, 121 Statute at Large 2524) gives the public the right to access any Department of the Navy records unless the information in those records is protected by one or more of the nine exemptions that qualify an Agency’s need to withhold records from a requester and unless there is a sound legal basis to withhold them. The Department of the Navy adheres to the policy and disclosure regulations set forth in 32 Code of Federal Regulations Chapter VI Part 701, to implement the FOIA uniformly and consistently and to provide maximum allowable disclosure of agency records upon request by an individual.

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