The goal of community outreach is to advocate for and strengthen early and meaningful community participation in the Department of the Navy’s (Navy) Environmental Restoration Program (ERP). The overarching objective of the Navy’s ERP is to protect human health and the environment from past hazardous waste practices and releases at Navy and Marine Corps Installation Restoration Program (IRP) sites. The Navy is committed to involving the public throughout the cleanup process at Marine Corps Base (MCB) Camp Pendleton by both formal and informal means of communications. The health and safety of its on base and neighboring communities is a top Navy priority.
Federal and state laws and regulations require community involvement during the proposed planning phase, prior to final decision on cleanup activities conducted under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act and the Superfund Amendment and Reauthorization Act. The Navy partners with the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) and State of California regulatory agencies on the planning and implementation of the cleanup activities, and public outreach. The Navy and regulatory stakeholders ensure that the public is informed and has a chance to comment, and that their comments are considered in making final decisions on managing cleanup activities. The Navy encourages meaningful and productive participation by everyone in the community.
The Navy developed a Community Involvement Plan (CIP) in 2014 and updates it routinely as sites progress through the IRP and community requests are made. The intent of the CIP is to engage with the community and provide opportunities for communications with the public regarding the environmental cleanup activities at MCB Camp Pendleton so that public opinions, concerns, and expectations can be heard. The latest CIP is available through the Administrative Records tab on this website.
Community outreach activities may include community meetings; publishing fact sheets, newsletters, and public notices; and contacting the community through website postings and by electronic mail. Certain phases of work will require formal public review periods in which the public can provide comments on the planned cleanup activities; others will not. The Navy allows opportunities for public review of all documents via community forums or through the Administrative Record.
Correspondence, reports, minutes, fact sheets, public notices, and other records are available for public review at the following location:
Administrative Record
Command Records Manager
Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command Southwest
750 Pacific Highway
Code EV33, NBSD Bldg. 3519
San Diego, CA 92132-5190
Phone (619) 556-1280
CLICK HERE to access the online MCB Camp Pendleton Administrative Record files.
Information Repository
To provide the local community with opportunities to review project documents, an information repository has been established for MCB Camp Pendleton’s IRP. Important documents, including the current CIP, are available for public review at this location, which is the Oceanside Public Library, Civic Center. Outdated reports may be removed from the information repository due to space considerations at the public facility.
Oceanside Public Library, Civic Center Branch
Periodicals Storage, Lower Level
330 N Coast Hwy
Oceanside, CA 92054- 2824
(760) 435-5600
Public Meetings
In accordance with USEPA and Department of Defense requirements, formal community meetings will be held at specific times in the cleanup process. Notices of upcoming public meetings will be published approximately two weeks prior to the meeting and may appear in the print edition of the San Diego Union Tribune newspaper, the weekly print edition of The Coast News newspaper, on the official MCB Camp Pendleton Facebook website. Copies of the information to be reviewed will be available at the Information Repository at the Oceanside Public Library, Civic Center Branch.
Public Affairs Offices
MCB Camp Pendleton’s Public Affairs Office mission is to enhance the public image of MCB Camp Pendleton, manage the command's community relations program, and serve as the point of contact for all media and public inquiries.
The Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command Southwest Public Affairs Office provides information and press releases to newspapers, TV, radio stations, and civic organizations, and schedules and conducts interviews and news conferences.
Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton
Primary Contact:
Secondary Contact: (760) 725-5792
Public Affairs Office
Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command Southwest
750 Pacific Highway
San Diego, CA 92132-5190
Phone: (619) 909-8746