- NAVFAC and the Asset Management business line support these primary external clients, who receive routine installation and facility planning support:
- Commander Navy Installations Command (CNIC)
- Headquarters Marine Corps (HQMC; on a reimbursable basis)
- Navy Fleet Commanders
- Marine Corps Installations Commanders
- Navy Systems Commands and Program Executive Offices
The AM business line supports additional external clients when that support contributes to the Naval mission, or if support contributes to the AM professional community development. The clients include (but are not limited to):
- Combatant and Joint Commanders
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
- Defense Logistics Agency (DLA)
- U.S. Air Force
- U.S. Army
- Computer Aided Design/Drawing (CADD)/Geo-spatial Information Systems (GIS) Technology Center
- Department of Homeland Security, including U.S. Coast Guard
- Federal Emergency Management Agency
- National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Agency (NOAA)
The AM business line staff routinely interfaces with other professional organizations, including the:
- Federal Facilities Council
- National Institute for Building Sciences
- American Planning Association
- Federal Geographic Data Committee
- American Public Works Association