The NRL-CBD Restoration Advisory Board (RAB) is a vital link between the community and government decision-makers. The Navy and the appropriate regulatory agencies are responsible for making decisions about the Environmental Restoration (ER) Program. Part of the decision-making process is to consider comments from the public and respond to them.
The purpose of a RAB is to encourage regular, two-way communication between the Navy and the local community by:
• Informing the public regarding the progress of planned and ongoing restoration actions at the facility
• Communicating the results of investigations and risk assessments when available
• Receiving feedback from the public as to their specific concerns and information needs
• Providing the public with the opportunity to comment on and participate in addressing technical decisions associated with ER sites at the facility
The RAB contains representatives from the Navy, Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE), local government officials, and community members. The NRL-CBD RAB was formed in December 2019. The RAB is co-chaired by an elected community member and a Navy representative. RAB members are considered a key source in efforts to communicate openly and effectively with the community at large. They are provided with information about the ER Program and their input on remediation decisions is actively sought.
The Community Involvement Plan describes the Navy’s community involvement program for environmental restoration.
Information Repository
NRL-CBD environmental documents are available under the Administrative Record tab of this website.
Additionally, when documents are available for public review, they are placed at the information repository below:
Calvert Library Twin Beaches Branch
4100 5th Street
North Beach, MD 20714
(410) 257-2411
Hours: Monday-Thursday: 9am - 8pm
Friday: 12pm - 5pm
Saturday: 9am - 5pm
Closed Sunday
Public Meetings
Public meetings are typically held at the Northeast Community Center. Details of public meetings will be announced ahead of time. The Northeast Community Center is located at:
4075 Gordon Stinnett Ave.
Chesapeake Beach, MD 20732
For information on the next public meeting or previous meetings, please contact the Public Affairs Officer.
Previous Public Meeting Posters and Fact Sheets:
• 2019 August Public Meeting RAB Interest Posters
• 2018 October Public Meeting PFAS Posters
• 2018 October NRL-CBD Drinking Water Investigation Initial Results Fact Sheet
• 2018 July Public Meeting PFAS Posters
• 2018 June NRL-CBD Drinking Water Investigation Fact Sheet
Public Affairs Officer
The NAVFAC Public Affairs Office (PAO) for the ER program at NRL-CBD can be reached at the following address and phone number:
NAVFAC Washington Public Affairs Office
Attn: Regina Adams, Public Affairs Officer
1314 Harwood St.
Washington Navy Yard, D.C.
Phone: (202) 685-0384