JOINT BASE PEARL HARBOR-HICKAM, Hawaii – The Navy’s 2022 Water Quality Reports, also known as Consumer Confidence Reports, provides information and data on its four water systems from 2021 and may be viewed online by water consumers starting July 1.
Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command Hawaii (NAVFAC Hawaii) operates and manages the Navy’s water systems at Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam (JBPHH), Camp Stover, Naval Computer and Telecommunications Area Master Station Pacific, and Pacific Missile Range Facility (PMRF) Kauai. The Environmental Protection Agency requires community water systems to provide an annual report on the quality of drinking water to their customers.
Many military personnel, their families, and civilian employees with the Navy, Air Force, Department of Defense, as well as non-DoD users living and working on JBPHH, various housing areas in the vicinity of the installation, and at PMRF Kauai, receive their drinking water from Navy sources.
Notification letters providing links to the Navy’s Water Quality Reports will be distributed to water customers. Electronic versions of the reports will be made available online at the following web addresses:
• Navy Region Hawaii:
• Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command Hawaii:
Navy water consumers who have questions, or would like to request a hard copy of a 2022 Navy Water Quality Report can do so by contacting the NAVFAC Hawaii Public Affairs office at 808-457-7497.